Friday, January 30, 2009

Feast of St John Bosco!

He is one of our favorite Saints! St John Bosco was first a great Saint to aspire to when my husband worked with troubled youth at a local Children's Home. Then, once Ballerina Rosie started having nightmares (a couple years ago) we started asking his intercession in helping the children to dream happy dreams about Jesus and to surround their beds with Angels and Saints.
St John Bosco received visions through his dreams, or God spoke to him through his dreams. His life is amazing and very interesting to read about and to watch!

(taken from our Children's Book of Saints)
When he was a boy; John learned many tricks by watching circus men. He gathered boys around him and put on little shows. Then he repeated the sermon he had heard in church.

At thirteen John left home and went to work with a farmer, then a tailor, a baker, a shoemaker, and a carpenter. In this way he worked himself through college and seminary, and became a priest.

Boys loved Father John. He found places for them to meet, to play and pray. When neighbors complained about the noise, Father john rented an old barn in a field. He called it "The Oratory." He started many of these oratories. He believed that prayer and the sacraments are the best ways of making boys good.

Don Bosco also founded the religious order of the Salesians, a group of priests who would help him in his work for boys. They went also to other countries to educate boys. Father John set up shops of all kinds to teach boys different trades. He wrote many booklets and the boys printed them and sent them out for people to read.

Father John died at the age of seventy-three in 1888.
St John Bosco, Pray for us.


  1. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog! It is nice to "meet" you! ;-)

    I appreciate the info. on St. John Bosco. We will celebrate his feast tomorrow, too. I didn't know about asking his intercession in helping children who are having nightmares. That is good to know—and timely for one of mine in particular.

    Grace and peace to you!

  2. I learned much about St. John Bosco after my son was accepted into Salesian High school. A school founded on the principles of St. John Bosco.
    I pray my son will be an instrument of peace in this world and proclaim the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    Shaji Thomas 02-05-2010


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