Friday, May 16, 2008

Blessing of the Womb/The Power of a Priest!

Before conceiving our first child, Jedi, we had tried for almost 3 years. One night in the confessional, our priest asked me if he could give me a blessing. He knew our struggles. We had just had a failed adoption of an 11 year old troubled girl and I was devastated. He told me he had read a book about a priest who had several couples coming to him that could not conceive, and this priest then started blessing their wombs. Every woman had gotten pregnant. I said "sure, I will take any blessing!"
I wish I could remember his exact words, but they were simple, he placed his hands on my head, and prayed something like this: "Please Lord, make Jamie's womb fruitful..." There was a little more but that was the main thing I remember. I left, not giving it another thought until 7 weeks later when I started feeling very, very sick (we were actually on vacation up north) and took a pregnancy test and could not believe it!! We counted back and it had been within a week and a half of receiving the womb blessing!! It was a miracle!
Now as with any miracle, there is always room for doubt. While laying in a hospital, flat on my back, (my water had broke at 32 weeks) and too much time to think, I started doubting the miracle...thinking it was just a coincidence...other people get pregnant without the blessing. Then, some friends of ours told me about their miracle story, they, too, had gone to a priest (the one who came after our priest) and they had struggled with not being able to conceive. Within a couple weeks, they were pregnant!
Ok, God, Yes, I believe in miracles!! I am truly sorry for doubting it.
I have since heard of 2 more stories where couples have gone to a priest to ask for a womb blessing and conceived within a couple weeks of the blessing.
Oh, the power of a priest, given to them by God. The blessing is there. If you struggle with infertility, go to your priest, ask for a womb blessing. I have told many people this story, but rarely do they listen. I think sometimes they are afraid to ask a priest. Maybe their life is not in order yet with God. Well, get it in order!!!
This blessing came to me right at the time I finally knelt down and prayed "Ok, God, I want to be a mother, BUT what do YOU want me to be?" "Help me to do what YOU want me to do".
I know that feeling of seeing children everywhere you go and not having your own, yet yearning to hold your own little one. Praying to St Gerard, wearing his medal. Constantly answering to people telling you to "relax!" If you have ever said this to someone trying to conceive a child, shame on you!! Do not say that, God has His reasons, and it is not because the person is not "relaxing"!
Tonight, I pray for all those people out there hoping and praying desperately for a child. God put that desperation there, He wants you to yearn for that child. Maybe He wants you to be there for someone else someday and understand what they are going through. Maybe it is in your vocation to be childless, maybe it is in your vocation to adopt. Ask God to help you to accept His will. Thank Him for this cross. Any cross will bring you virtue, if you let it.
Please Lord help these women and families desperately hoping for a child. Lead them, guide them, give them peace.
St Gerard, Pray for us.
Mother of all mothers, Pray for us.


  1. Wonderful testimony. I hope you will touch someone's heart out there and you never know who might read this and have their own miracle.

    You give others hope.

    Babies are a blessing. You have been blessed!

  2. Here is another story of a priest's being "conduit" of the Holy Spirit in the lives of a couple desperately trying to conceive:
    A couple in their late 20's from out East (whom I met a few years back as their parents go to our parish) were trying to conceive for quite a few years to no avail.
    They were told to ask a newly ordained priest from our diocese for a womb blessing and for his prayers for conception.
    This special priest was vallently undergoing his 2nd bout with cancer and radical treatment all the while finishing major seminary and finally being ordained.
    As you might already have guessed, the couple joyously called and told everyone the happy news. They were expecting - praise the Lord!
    This young, holy reverent priest got to hear the news shortly before his death at the age of 33, only 3 months after his ordination.
    Would you doubt he's helping them even more in Heaven? ;)

  3. Oh! This gave me goosebumps reading! What an amazing story!

  4. Ok so I just wanted to tell you what an amzing story this was. My husband and I have been trying for a few months now to get pregnant. Although I know this can take time, it still is heartbraking after each month nothing happens. It's funny when you said that about hearing people say "just relax". I always think to myself, "I wish people would quit telling me to relax". I know they all mean well but it's hard when every where you look it seems that every one else has a child and you want nothing more than to have one of your own. Thank you for inspiring words. They really meant a lot to me. I felt like it was written just for me. -Kitty

  5. Wow! Is their any doubt that their hands are conduits of Christ!

  6. Jamie, I'd really LOVE to hear from you sometime. I have a devotion to the Blessed Mother and the Rosary too.

    I prayed many, many, MANY rosaries when I was single to meet a good Catholic husband. I met my husband years later on a Catholic Singles website. We were married at the age of almost 41 (me) and almost 43 (my husband). I have been a teacher at a daycare for almost twenty years and love children! We have been trying to conceive since we were married, but had many trials: I suffer from ovarian cysts, I had to have surgery on Feb 12th 2008, and then we were told I have severe endometriosis and I might be infertile.

    I feel very sad that we might never be able to have our own children. I have tried everything - charting, vitamins, ect. and I'm still not pregnant. I feel almost like giving up. I haven't been able to become pregnant once. I am not sure I can even get pregnant. It makes me feel so sad. I want to be a good Catholic Mom so much!

    Still though, I pray my rosary asking every day for the grace of motherhood.

    May I please ask for prayers? I could use some prayers and some encouragement please!

    Hope to hear from you.

    My email is:

    May God Bless you.

  7. This testimony made me think of something that happened to me a while back. My husband and I have three children, but are open to more. It has been almost three years since the last birth. We never had problems conceiving before, but we have miscarried. That often left me hopeless of ever having the large family that we had always dreamed of. I had a dream, actually two. In both dreams I was asking our priest for a blessing and he wouldn't give it to me. I couln't figure out why he wouldn't give me the blessing. One day, I gathered up all the courage I had and asked him for a blessing. I told him that we have been trying to conceive, but it seems that the Lord has other plans. I told him how hopeless I felt after miscarrying. The next time he saw me, he had a big book of blessings in his hand and gave me the blessing for miscarriages. We still haven't conceived, but the graces I received are endless. I no longer feel anxiety or despair when we do not conceive each month. It almost an indifference, but not quite. I have total faith in our Lord's plan. I can't explain it. I didn't know about a womb blessing, so now I will ask him for one and see what happens.

  8. This is great- I will definitely ask my parish priest for a blessing... We say we believe in miracles... but sometimes I forget that He can work them in MY life! Thanks for the reminder. Tara


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