Monday, October 13, 2008

More Fall Crafts!

Our front view! (quickly changing to nothing soon!)
View from our school room.

I love this project. I love to see how different everyone's paintings are.
I love all the fall is for the sky!
The finished fall trees!
Collage trees, another fun project for littles!
Happy Fall Everyone!!!


  1. Thanks for some great always!

  2. Yeah! You're back at it with your wonderful ideas for crafts and snacks.

    I'm terrible at planning fun stuff ahead of time and even worse at being spontaneous. My oldest really wants to have a Redwall themed party for his April birthday - dare I think about it?!? We are, however, starting to think about All Saint's Day costumes - so that's a little forward thinking (at least on my daughter's part).

  3. Fun to be able to comment again..Hi Jamie!

  4. Jamie, I love your ideas! Our theme these past two weeks are trees. I have a question though - where did you get the tree outline in the first photo? I am trying to find one online.

    Also, do you as a family celebrate Halloween? Do you allow your children to trick or treat?

    Someday I would LOVE to be a good Catholic Mom just like you. I have lost 17 pounds so far and they found out my progesterone is low. I am trying so hard to do my part and letting God do the rest, but I still struggle with tears sometimes. I want so much to be a good Catholic Mom and do all the things a good Catholic Mom does!

    Please keep praying for me. Right now I am praying the rosary every day, praying the chaplet to Mary Undoer of Knots, and novenas to St. Therese and St. Gianna. Thank you so much!

    My thought is that maybe it's not God's will for me to be a Mommy, but maybe I can help other Moms somehow? I've already been a teacher at a daycare for 20 years (19 years at a daycare in my hometown and one year in the city where I now live with hubby).

    Or maybe I'm supposed to help end abortion. But how? In my 20 years in daycare I've had three co-workers who have had abortions. Abortion pains me so much! It has bothered me a great deal since I was a young child and first heard about it when I was five or six.

    Recently one of my co-workers who is in her twenties and has endometriosis (just like I do)found out she was pregnant. It was a miracle from God! She had a lot of surgery in the past and she was told she would never have children. At first she wanted to keep the child, but the father (her ex boyfriend) had a fit and told her if she kept the child, he would kill himself. She ended up having an abortion. I was so sick to to my stomach when I heard, walked away from her, and said a whole bunch of Hail Mary's. Another co-worker tried to talk her out of it and I asked her "But so and so, what if this is the only child you can ever have?" She answered "I will have to live with it for the rest of my life" and then she told me she "didn't want to talk about it anymore." I also told her that my hubby and I would adopt the child. But she still went and had the operation. So sad! :(

    I really wish that God would bless hubby and I with a miracle child and we could be a pro-life witness! But I'm not sure that I am able to get pregnant. So many family and friends have prayed for us, I've already tried almost everything, and two Priests have blessed my womb and prayed over us. I'm not sure it's God's will for us to be parents of our own child. And yes, this makes me very sad. But what can I do??

    How are you doing with losing weight and your exercising? I need to exercise more!

    May God Bless you and your beautiful family.

    P.S. What kind of scrapbooking do you do? Creative Memories? I'd LOV to hear! Can you blog about it??




Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

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