Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cupcake Rosary!

Last night was the last night of our Schoenstatt Little Crowns group. I signed up last September for the May snack, knowing this was Mary's month and wanting to make this beautiful cupcake rosary! Christine helped me by making 3 dozen cupcakes and putting it together! She insisted on white, can you believe it? I made the chocolate ones...don't think I can bake if there is no chocolate involved.
The girls loved the completed rosary, but I really wished I had put more thought into the actual presentation, like maybe a table cloth? I know for next year to bring a table cloth and maybe flower petals or something around it. It was very fun to make though!
***I originally saw this idea at Totus Tuus Family Homeschool! Thank you so much JMJ! I've wanted to make one since seeing it on your blog!
***Then I saw it also on Catholic Cuisuine done by Jessica!


  1. Back in 2007, one of our homeschool group moms made something like this for our Bishops graduation Mass of our students.

    It did then, and does here, look very impressive.


  2. Hey...I love white cake. I love chocolate chips (MILK) but I love white cake. Since I was making it...figure I could pick!!!!!

    My rosary and daughters is white because of our birth stone is a diamond because we are born in April. That is why I like white!

    Really enjoyed time with you yesterday and the kiddos. I BETTER NOT GET SICK!! hope you guys get better soon!

    P.U.....who let one~~~ hee hee

  3. This looks like a great idea. Hopefully I will remember it when I have the venue to try it in (it looks a little big for just one family!)
    Hope you all recover soon!
    God Bless,

  4. I did it once (saw it on JMJ's too) for the MCCW ladies. Chocolate? I'm so there!

  5. how pretty! you just gave me another idea for our may crowning on sunday! thank you jaimie-and allison-and jessica!! =)

  6. I love this one because it has an actual crucifix stuck into the icing- which is awesome!


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