Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pentecost Cake!

 It worked (kind of)
I ran out of the red gel food coloring, so it turned more pink than red....
 Many, many "No, nos"going on.....
(it was supposed to look like flames coming this)
I don't think the girls minded....
 Come Holy Spirit, give me the 7 Gifts of The Holy Spirit
"When do I get some cake?"


  1. Beautiful job on the cake!!

    And Simeon is such a cutie.

  2. The cake looks great!! I loved seeing all of your pictures! It looks like everyone had a wonderful time! We just enjoyed our cake (which was all I had time/energy to make this year too!) but I still need to upload my pictures. Happy Pentecost Sunday!

  3. You are one talented lady with all you do! I think the cake turned out great and it was a wonderful lesson, as well. Little Sim surely does look like he's ready for a bite~

  4. Happy Pentecost Sunday! Love the cake. It looks great just the way it is. Simeon looks down right angry that he didn't get any Poor little guy.

  5. Awesome job on the cake and the lovely young ladies surrounding it made it perfect. Did Simeon get any?

  6. The cake looks fantastic. I bet the kids enjoyed it! They will always remember how special their mama made the feast days. I love the Holy Spirits hanging down from the light. Very creative. Happy Pentecost!

  7. Such a beautiful celebration, Jamie!

  8. I laughed out loud at your caption of Simeon asking for cake. They do reach that age, don't they, where they suddenly know that what they are getting isn't quite as tasty as what brother or sister is eating.

  9. I love your ideas for this Feast Day, Jamie Jo. beautiful yellow flames on the cake, I could tell right away~~!!

  10. Your cake turned out beautiful! Hope it was super yummy, and that you all enjoyed your celebration. :)

  11. What a wonderful idea! Turned out great!

  12. Beautiful cake! You are such a great mom! And I definitely need the 7 Gifts!!!


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