Friday, March 1, 2013

Next Surgery Set!

 Oh, my little sweetie pie!
(Home photo session turned out pretty good, huh?--more on that later)
We met with the plastic surgeon today
Palate surgery is set for TUESDAY, MARCH 12TH!!
That's only 11 days from today!
 That means no more bottles!
No more food coming through his nose
(which is good)
No more bottles.
Did I already say that one?
I'm sad about it.
I rock him to sleep with a bottle every night
He's not a snuggler, it's the only time he snuggles in!
He gets a sippy cup (without the spill proof thingy)
during the day.

The palate has to be closed in order for speech to develop
Cleft babies need lots of speech therapy
(like Dada is "Raw Raw")
Click on the picture you can see how his teeth are coming in,
supposedly there are 2 more teeth in his premaxilla, 
who knows where they will come out!

Begging for prayers again, 
Please pray for my sweet baby, 
for a quick recovery 
for his doctors and all who will care for him
and that his mouth heals and the 
hole that is left is the size of a pin! 

(all bilateral cleft babies have a hole still in their roof of their mouth, but we can pray
for that hole to be very small.  The hope is that it will be 95 % closed.)



  1. What cute pictures!! He seems so grown up! Sending prayers your way. I had a dear uncle, a Franciscan priest, ordained on March 12th. I will pray to him earnestly that day for your sweet Simeon.

  2. Little sweetie pie, he is! Ii am absolutely praying for him, and you, and all the family. God will have His arms around all of you and He will be guiding the surgeon's hands.

  3. Oh my goodness, poor baby boy. (That's the day before Sean's birthday.) He is already in our daily prayers. I think Mama needs a special prayer as well. I love the pictures though. Who took them. What a big boy he has become. Keep us updated.

  4. March 12th isn't that far away at all. Poor sweet little guy to have all those owies. Thinking of you all and will be in my nightly prayers.
    He is so sweet.
    Those pictures turned out pretty good!

  5. Beautiful photos! Prayers coming your way... for everyone from the little sweetheart, to mama, to the docs and nurses. May Blessed Mother Mary enfold him in her mantle and guide every hand and heart through the surgery and recovery!

  6. I love your photos, and this boy is just such a cutie! I'm praying for him, and you, and his doctors, and your family...


  7. He is soooooo cute! We'll pray extra for him, and for you.

  8. My kids still pray for him every night. They love him! We will pray for everyone.

  9. Jamie! Leo's surgery was on March 12!!! It is a good day!

    I was soooooooooo sad when I gave him his last bottle. Luckily he was still super snuggly at nap and night afterwards :) I will pray so hard for my second favorite little cleft man!

    1. That is SO cool!! Gosh, looking back, now it seems like the year went fast...but when I was in it, it went slooooowwww! I looked back at Leo's surgery posts, he did so good! Hoping Simeon does as well!

  10. A sippy cup without the spill proof thing? He IS a big boy! And what a cute big boy, too. Yes, we will definitely add him (and you all) to our prayer list!

  11. Cute pics....praying for your sweet little boy.

  12. Little Simeon is in my prayers. He is a beautiful little boy! You and your family have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Oh wow, that's so soon! I'm sure he'll do great, what a little trooper he is!

  14. You will all remain in our prayers! Great pictures!

  15. I'll be praying again for your sweet Simeon.

  16. Will be praying, Jamie. Love the new blog background...I haven't done that for ages. And, the home pictures look great!

  17. You are assured of our prayers. Looking forward to hearing about the at home photo session...AWESOME! Great lighting!

  18. I couldn't wait to come over and visit, Jamie Jo...and I am so very glad I did! What a beautiful family you have! Prayers for your sweet little one...Have a Blessed Sunday!

  19. Praying for all of you! Simeon is such a sweetie!

  20. Great pictures! March 12th is so soon. Definitely praying here.

  21. We are always praying for his health and will add the surgery date specifically. My kids are "oohing and awwwing" at how absolutely adorable his looks in those pictures. Is the surgery at Children's again?

    1. No we had to do his kidney surgery there because we have no pediatric urologist up here....but we do have a cleft team up here, so it's here. Much easier.

  22. Look at you go Mama-razzi photographer! I can't wait to hear how you did the photo shoot, the pictures are just precious!!!

    Ohhh, yet another surgery! I know you've shared with us before that he will have many...or is this it?...still, each time has to be so, so heart-wrenching.

    For Lent, we are praying on our knees at bedtime, (I know, I'm ashamed to admit that we've slipped into lazy, bed-laying, pray-ers!!!). Each night, as we say prayers and I bless our children, we add special intentions. We will be adding Simeon's March 12th date to our list!

  23. Praying! Shared this on FB as well.

  24. Aw those pictures are so precious! His smile is so sweet and just take up his whole face, glowing right to his eyes! We are praying and will keep doing so!

  25. Thank you all for your prayers, God bless you all!


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