Monday, September 16, 2013

The Big Wedding!

 Introducing, Mr. And Mrs. Jordan..."
I'm not giving away their name on the blog (cuz it used to be my last name)
 My favorite dance picture
 In case you are new little brother got married this past Saturday!
He's the baby of the family
I was 16 1/2 when he was born
This is my family
From left to right
My sister Brenna, 35, me 44, Sarah (no idea her age), My brother Jordan, 27,
My brother John, almost 43,
 my mom and my dad
(just wanted you to see the age differences in us, I think it's interesting)
Yep, I'm the oldest
 Here is the WHOLE family with the grandchildren and everything!
 click on the picture
Here are my parents with all their grandchildren
The father of the bride made a joke 
at the reception about my parents being the "most prolific family he's ever met"
I am pretty sure the joke was aimed at me.  
what do you think?
(it was fun, I'm not trying to start something here,
 I only felt like crawling  under a rock a tiny tiny bit)
And, besides,
he's right
and that's something to be proud of!!
(my dad also comes from a family of 10 kids and 5 of his sisters were there!)
 My Grandma, my dad's mama
With my dad and mom
 Jordan waiting for his bride
I love this...
 The Vows...
 My mom and dad
Who do you think I look like? 
 My brother, John and his beautiful family
(Kris, his wife, Lexi, Brett and Justin--dang his eyes are closed)
 Our family!
We are actually kind of matchy matchy, aren't we?

 A little fun afterward...
 My beautiful girls and I!
 My beautiful little sister!
(you can see the bridesmaid dresses a little, they are navy blue, but look black, very elegant)
 The photographer guy, I think his name was Joe...Sweetie Pie loved him
And he loved little kids, he was great!
 My mom dancing with her baby...
(I love this photo too)
 Someone asked me, (Val) if it was a beautiful Minnesota fall day....well, it should have been,
because we have not had rain all summer.
Until this day.
It rained all day.
No, it poured all day.
You can see the mud in the tent they had for the reception...
No one cared, we only got a little muddy.
I felt bad for Sarah and Jordan, they did not get any outside pictures
and everyone pretty much stayed inside the tent
 Cute little table gifts...
 Tables were beautiful
Her father made these wood carvings and they made these rock things that held the 
table numbers, out of rocks from the North Shore....
 The cupcakes were delicious, 
I don't usually like cupcakes,
 but that chocolate frosting tasted like Hostess Cupcakes
Only soft and good...
(Suzanne, if you are reading this, those are your hands!)
Her dress was beautiful too
(A little muddy by the end of the night)
But all lace and just so elegant and beautiful!

The happy couple is in St Lucia now enjoying their honeymoon!


  1. Family lovin's at its' best! So happy for you all and the time you had together celebrating your baby brother's wedding vows! Great pictures. Your mom, btw, looks SO YOUNG!!

  2. I love weddings! This one looked beautiful.

  3. That wedding looked like a beautiful family event. And it's great that they started out with the sacramental many couples don't even realize what they are missing out on, which, I guess, explains why so many give up so easily.

    Your family looked great...and so happy! All those smiley girlies!

  4. Such a beautiful bride and groom! Everything looks beautiful...and happy!

    So glad you all had a fun day...and your sweet family looked so beautiful too! : )

  5. I love family weddings! Her dress was gorgeous and they look so happy. And I love the pics of your family, too - especially the one with you with your girls. You are so happy you are glowing!

    Looking forward to my sister's wedding in November - hopefully I'll get some great pictures as well. :)

  6. What a gorgeous family you have, Jamie. The love in each face was so evident. I love your kids' outfits- terrific! (And yours and Tom's!)

  7. Love the pictures!

    The age difference of you and your siblings are very similar to me and my brothers. My brothers are 10.5 and 13.5 years older than me.

    1. Are you close with them? We are not really that close because of the age difference....

    2. Yes, I was more when I was younger. One of my older brother would always take me somewhere special for my birthdays and before he got married would have me over at his house for the day or night often. And both my brothers at different times would invite me to go places with them and their date. I really enjoyed that growing up! I got to be friends with their future wives before they got married.

      I get to see them once or twice a month now for birthday parties or just getting together at my parent's house. They still call me their "little sister."

    3. Kari, that is so nice!! I think it's the kid thing, I'm older and have a family (big one at that) and the younger ones just don't. I hope as they start having kids, it brings us closer. When Jordan was little, I used to take him camping and all kinds of things. But then after I got married he'd come over and play with my daycare kids..but then he got older and busy and we just faded apart.

  8. man..stupid Minnesota weather!! I love to complain about the weather dontchaknow. That is just crazy it has been dry dry dry and the wedding are rained all day. A lot of rain!

    Love all the family photos. Thanks for taking a bunch and sharing. Your family..AND YOU..looking good!

    I pray and hope that someday..SOMEDAY..I am surrounded and I mean tons and tons of grandbabies around me. I will be blessed. I pray I even get to see all my grandbabies!

    Goofy guy making comments about being a "prolific" family.

    1. No, really, it was all in fun! He loved his daughter so much and loves Jordan, it was so evident in his "speech"--really nice!

      The rain makes me wonder, "Why God?" Why sunny before and after but the day of? Only God knows...makes it memorable, that's for sure!

  9. Bless your brother and his new wife. Weddings are such fun, such a happy moment. You have some great picture memories.

  10. Your posts bring the 'Awwwwwwwws' out of me! :D
    Beautiful pictures. Your weddings are so so different that Indian weddings. I love to see your world through your eyes :)

    You look more like your mom! :)

    Wishing your bro and sis-in-law a very happy married life! :)

    1. Oh, thank you Manju! I love reading about different cultures, so I get that!

  11. prolific hahaha! Beautiful pictures, I love weddings even if the couple doesn't know me.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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