Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thankful for Everyday Life Link-up

Thankful, I finally figured out how to write on photos...
It took me an hour to do this thingy on my sidebar 
and the above picture.
  I still don't think it will link to these 
link up posts.
Thankful I made some progress though!
(and those words are so small)

 Thankful for mornings off to play a little Cataan!!
 The game is a little tricky at first, but once you get the gist of it, 
it's a lot of fun.
Beware though, if you have child induced ADD, like me,
the game can go on FOREVER
(kind of like Monopoly does)
And it will drive you nuts!
 Thankful when I hit Sam's Club last week, 
they were giving samples of this mix:

European cucumbers
Sweet multi colored mini peppers
Zima grape tomatoes
Kumatoes (European tomatoes)
(they are brown but really good)

I added zucchini to my mix at home
Salt and pepper to taste

That's it, no dressing, just veggie salad!
It was really yummy!

 Thankful for this little puzzle boy!
He really loves this puzzle and does it 53 times a day
 48 pieces!!
Best dollar store find yet!
OK, my dishes were a pretty dang good find too.
 Thankful I got the Frozen CD, 
well worth the 11 bucks at Wal-mart.
Seriously, they play it all day long.

"Do you want to build a snowman?  Ohhhh Kay bye"
 Thankful for Saturday morning mopping time
He has a blast with the chairs in the living room!
Thankful he wanted to know if this was a sign....
 Thankful Tom and I spent Sunday afternoon by the little lake in town
It was a beautiful day, but looks weird because the lake is still frozen!
 Thankful we can see our mailbox!!
 Thankful we have a place to put all the STINKY boots!!
Oh, my gosh, the kids have gotten them wet, wore them with barefeet and 
completely ruined them.
So bad, they stink up the whole house!
(they are going in the garbage!)
 Thankful for this......Yep, still got that doll!
 Thankful for girls not afraid to get dirty 
and little boys loving playing outside ALL DAY!!
 Spring, Thankful for Spring!!
 for ice cream on the porch!

 and good friends to share it with!
 Thankful for sidewalk chalk!
I told the girls they couldn't take it out til all the snow was melted
 Thankful I got this shot of the kids yesterday!!
I totally love it!
It shows the busy-ness of our lives, none of them are looking
but all are having fun!
(We hit 70 degrees yesterday!)

God bless you all
Have a great weekend!

A song to get you through the rest of the week,
Oh, how I've needed this song this week....


  1. Oh my goodness do I remember the stinky boots! I volunteered in my son's 2nd grade class (21 years ago!). When the kids would come in from recess in the winter, they would all take those snow boots off and run around in sock feet. The smell in that classroom was enough to take your head off some days!
    Looks like your kids are glad to see winter finally go!

    1. Oh, that is so funny!! You know, they are not sooo bad in the winter, but spring time when they start really getting soaked non-stop....oh, my!! My 2nd grader constantly tells me it's her socks that stink, not her boots!! (her socks do stink because she had them in her boots!) hahah

      Oh, we are all glad to see winter go...finally. Sure makes spring all the better that's for sure!

  2. We hit 70 today! Love all the bright pictures and colors and springiness of it all. So... you don't know where you're moving to? I'm trying to piece it together since that post disappeared and I never saw it because I was awol for a bit. Best of luck decluttering. Enjoy the weather!

    1. Woo hoo 70!! We don't know yet where we are moving, because we can't move til Tom finds a we are open to where God leads us. I had to hide that particular post til some things happen with the's a legal thing.

      You enjoy that weather too!!

  3. These are my favorite posts! I always ALWAYS enjoy reading your thankfuls! Look at the snow melt, hip hip hooray!

    1. Oh, my gosh 9Peas...that is such a compliment coming from you! Thank you. Oh, the warmer weather does something to us, it makes everyone happy!! I love it!

  4. I finally got my butt in gear and did a post. Thanks for this - I really do enjoy going through my camera and taking time to be thankful for all that I have been blessed with!

    1. Yay for your butt!! hahah! Can't wait to go see your thankful's!!

  5. Melting snow and ice cream outside! What a red banner day! Warm winds blowing up from south Texas....hoping it gives gets up your way!

    1. Is that where our warm air is coming from? Thank you!

      In the Adoration chapel yesterday, I keep "hearing" Dallas....over and over again, I finally said (in my head to Jesus) What about Phoenix? or Mesa? and I kept still getting Dallas...No job there yet though, only one near Waco...he applied, we'll see. (only found one or 2 houses I like there though...not the greatest area, but it only takes one house I suppose...oh, and the churches are not GREAT....they are OK...)

  6. Thankful for you, my sweet friend!
    And could I interest you in little old Pa???

    1. With YOU there, your offer is pretty tempting...but, not for my husband...too much snow!!
      You are a little milder though in PA that's for sure!

      Thankful for YOU too!

  7. This was really fun and I'm only a day late. Thanks for hosting, Jamie.

    1. Thanks for linking up Kim, your thankful's were great!!

  8. Happy Happy Thankful Thurs...

    hey...those are Colette's boots I gave you in that picture!!

    Always amazed how well he is doing on those puzzles...amazing!

    Glad you and Tom got some time together. Lots of talking I imagine with the huge changes in your life. I called wondering how he is doing??!!

    Loved mass this morning with Bishop Kettler at our school. I have been bringing Colette to mass with me and she misses school...mass is better then school!! School is for only a little while...heaven (or hell) is forever. Need those graces.

    Happy all the spring pictures and kids enjoying outside time and friends and best stuff cream.

    Have a great weekend my friend and God Bless.

    1. Those are Colette's boots and they already stunk, when we got them! (hee hee) They stink more, lots more now. How was Colette's birthday?

      Link up with your thankful's showing us her birthday!! Thankful for Colette, she's such a sweetie, happy birthday, God bless you honey!

      I like our new Bishop, he's really friendly. That's nice you bring Colette to long as the teachers don't mind!

      Happy happy spring!!
      You have a great weekend too! Love you, God bless

      Do you have a ton of girls over tonite? Katherine has 4 friends over tonite, they already had a fashion show and are planning on watching the Prince of Persia tonite. All I have to do for this age is plan the food, they do the rest. It's really quite fun.

      (unlike Angela who has a ton of themes in her head for her June birthday)

  9. Looks like it's almost completely spring there!! Love all your photos. I bought the frozen cd for the kids to listen to in the car, when they are grumpy, but it's all they want to listen to! Sometimes, I have to say, "no, it's my turn now!"

    I linked up with you, I hope this one still counts. I think you're the only one who looks at it or reads it. Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up the blogging thing...

    1. Tonite my girls were listening to the CD again and my oldest daughter had 4 friends over and they were all singing it around the kitchen!! (but I am getting tired of the songs)

      Oh, Kari, I'm not the only one who looks and if I am, that's OK....I blog for myself. I don't even check stats. I broke down and purchased the ability to use picture icons for the link up, so next week people will be able to use pictures, maybe that will generate more people checking out the links!?!!! Maybe I need to get up earlier so the link-up is on here sooner, so more will check out the links?

      Don't give up blogging, take a break if you need to. If it causes too much pressure or makes you feel sad, it's not fun anymore...taking a break helps with that when you come back. At least for me it does.

      I'm off to read your post....


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Making a Comeback!

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