Friday, February 10, 2017

Nineveh 90

 Have you heard of Nineveh 90 yet?
I found out about this about a week ago.
This starts Monday, February 13th, 2017
If you are reading this late, you can still do this--just start when you can!

(I right-clicked on this image above, printed it and put it on my fridge)
 This is what I saw. I immediately responded to the person that posted it, "I'm in!"
I have been wanting to do something special for the 100 year anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima
for a while now and thought this sounded perfect.

At first.
Well, it sounds HARD!
As I read through it,
I thought to myself, "OK, this works, yes, I can do this, ummm, this would be hard,
this I could do if I didn't have a husband, this would be easy if it were just me.
Wait a minute! I have to get 7 hours of sleep?
My coffee?  I have to give up my coffee? (my breakfast) I cannot give this part up.
I don't know if this is for me."

Then, I went to the website
I looked around, watched some of the videos,
and talked online with other women that want to do it.
I have a friend, Nicole, that started a Facebook group
(if you wish to join that group, please email me first! jamiejo99 (at)

Talking with other women, we are just taking it as a way to come closer to Jesus,
to bring our hearts and souls closer to God, through prayer and sacrifice.
We need to do the things we think we can.

Now to look at it all, to do it all, well,  it looks very overwhelming and a sure-fire way to fail.

No one wants anyone to fail!
I'm picking some of the things that I'm going to do.
(or at least try to do)

Over this past week, I've realized the biggest and hardest thing for me
is going to be getting to bed early enough to get up early enough.

Because, you see, my problem is I stay up way too late,
and then sleep in way too late.
The problem with that is,
If I get up when the kids are already up, (8am)
then, I won't exercise, even if I put my exercise clothes on right away with the
hopes of exercising.  I won't make it to daily Mass because if I get up late,
I won't have time to shower and teach school all before noon Mass.

See how my day really needs to start early in order for this to work for me?

I think I'm going to call it,
"Early down, early up"

Wait a minute. I think there is already a saying that says something about
birds and worms and something about rising....oh, well.


Again, this is just what I'm doing!
YOU can do what works for you!

  • Wear Brown Scapular--Check!
  • Monthly Confession--Check!
  • Accountability partner? (this one kind of goes with the next one!) 
  • Support group? I've got these in the Facebook Group HERE but if you want to join, please email me first (jamiejo99 (at)
The NO's
  • no sweets or eating between meals
  • no alcohol
  • no soda (this means Diet Cherry Coke Zero....I'll try! I'll try....which gives me an out, right?)
  • no sweet drinks (if this means my coffee, then I'm not doing this one)
  • no television (we don't have any) or movies. This one will be hard. Tom and I watch a show each night, I'm just going to not watch anything extra. Just with Tom and just family things with the kids.
  • no music that does not lift the soul to God--this I can do, but, there's a "but" to this one, I'm going to use my music on my ipod to workout with, because working out is in the "YES" section. All other times, I can listen to Christian music no problem!
  • no unnecessary computer time. Hmmmm.....bye-bye to Facebook. Except to check my Living Rosary Group, the Nineveh 90 group, check messages and maybe post some inspirational posts. I also get my daily Mass readings online in my inbox, and Bishop Robert Barron Gospel reflections, and a few other things that are Catholic and prayer involved. See how sometimes we pick the wrong "good"? It's good to pray and it's good to pick prayerful things to do online, but, going back to the way it was before online resources might be better.  I think I will definitely need to maybe set a time limit on my online time. That will work too.
  • no meat on Wednesday and Friday. Easy. On the Nineveh 90 site, they suggested fasting on those days on bread and water or doing maybe a liquid diet that day. I'm going to try to do the liquid diet thing on those days. Coffee in the morning (see above picture), with my V-8 and then a smoothie for supper. I can do this.
The Yes's
  • yes to Daily Rosary
  • yes to the Angelus I'm going to try to do this one 3x/day but not necessary at the specific times, the traditional times, you see, this is where we get nit-picky and end up failing and feeling bad about ourselves. I'm going to try to pray this beautiful prayer 3x/day, morning, noon (lunchtime) and night. Angelus is HERE
  • yes to the Morning offering:  O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all our associates, and in particular for the intentions of our Holy Father for this month.
  • yes to 20-60 minutes of mental prayer. This I can do before/after Mass or in Adoration. Now here is one of those things that we can't put so much pressure on ourselves, we lead busy lives. It is a sacrifice but if, for some reason, I've driven kids to, I don't know, piano, choir, unicycling, and work all in one afternoon, well, maybe my work that day, as a mom is my mental prayer, my offering. We need to be flexible and not give up. If I fail on this, I have tomorrow to try again. I think this one might prove to be one of the harder things.
  • yes to daily exercise. On the Nineveh 90 site they encourage this to be more intense during the 90 days, but, for me, if I'm exercising daily, well, that is intense enough for me. Period.
  • yes, and this one hurts to say and I cringe, because I know it will be hard, yes to 7 hours of sleep.
  • yes fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, liquid diet, see above in the "no's".

54 day rosary novena February 13 to April 7.
This is the book I use for this, HERE 

33 day preparation for Consecration to Jesus through Mary. April 10 to May 12
Marian Consecration on May 13th, 2017, The 100 year Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima!
I'll be doing this consecration. It's simple, only need to read a couple pages daily.

What do you think?
Do you want to join me?

If you don't want to join the Facebook group, you can bookmark this post and we can discuss in the comments or you can email me! (jamiejo99 (at)

One question that has been on my heart though, is, what will I do for Lent?
What will I be able to do that puts Lent in its proper place?
How can I make sure this Nineveh 90 does not take away from Lent, but that it adds?

So far, my answer is The Divine Mercy Chaplet daily at 3pm if possible.
Another thing I have been thinking is maybe adding reading every day
to the little kids. I admit, it doesn't happen every day anymore. life gets busy.
Lent might be the time to get back to what's most important.
My 10 year old has wanted me to teach her how to sew on my sewing machine for months now.
Lent might be the perfect time to do that.

In a prayerful spirit, I ask, what are your thoughts?



  1. Awesome! How does fasting affect your blood sugar?

    I just realized this starts MONDAY. I had Wednesday in my head.

    I've been thinking of Lent too. One year I did something with my husband. I would spend the time after the kids went to bed with him. No chores or school things or computer... We watched tv, talked, played games, or I would do computer only if he wanted to go on his. It was a very profitable experience. This immediately popped into my mind but with the kids. With life and health stuff I tend to go inward and I have felt a little distant from them. So my plan is to say "yes."

    1. I love that! Planning to say "yes"!! Instead of that movie, "Yes Man" we can be a "Yes mom"!!

      I love the idea of time with your husband too! Really love adding to lent instead of taking away. maybe that makes me a wuss. But the adding is also a sacrifice of time. Only I guess, I win in the end, right? I think I just confused myself.

  2. This is really awesome. I am not Catholic, but I do admire your devotion to God. I may join you in doing some of these things. I think they would be good and bring everyone - Catholic or not - closer to God. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Oh,Deb, you are awesome! yes, I think anything that brings you closer to God is worth it. We all could use some sacrifice in our lives!

  3. My husband and are participating. He's my prayer partner for accountability. Thank you for putting some reminders in perspective so that I don't feel overwhelmed and want to give up!

    1. I think a lot of people are feeling overwhelmed, even to the point of not trying it. I hope people see this and try to make it fit to what they CAN do. God knows our hearts. I wonder what the number of people are that are doing it? I heard it was over 10,000 over the past weekend.

  4. My husband and I are doing this, to varying degrees. Many of the things for health, we already do, or strive to do. We started out strong with everything Monday, then BAM....we both get hit with the stomach flu. We have kept up with the Angelus, and that's just about it. Of course, getting sleep and fasting has been easier! All that to say, even if we are thwarted, or something happens, just start again! Don't give up! Even if you can only do one thing, I think it's worth it. Thanks for this blog post!

    1. Not a good way to start out! I hope you are feeling better now?? I love what you said at the end, even if you do ONE thing, it's amazing!!

  5. I am doing it with other mothers from Regina Caeli Academy.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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