Sunday, April 13, 2008

Come Holy Spirit!

O, Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul,...I adore You. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me. Tell me what I should do...give me Your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and to accept all that You permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your will.
This weekend I had the blessing of being this wonderful young lady's Confirmation sponsor! This is Melissa, our old neighbor girl. I cannot say enough good about Melissa. We miss her so much!! The kids love her! She's always so sweet and nice. She (and her mom) introduced me to Pride and Predjudice! We have had a few "girl nights" where we watch a movie and have ice cream or snacks and just talk and have fun. (her, her mom and I) We'll have to do that again this Summer when Tom goes fishing! She is very mature, yet she loves to play with the kids. She was our first babysitter! (We trust very few with our kids)

She has a strong faith in God and it is so refreshing!
Her Confirmation name is Faustina. St Faustina has a special place in my heart, as does Melissa. Thank you Melissa, for choosing me, I will pray for you every day. God Bless you on this special day! (I'm sure she would want me to tell you that that shiny forhead is the blessed oil from being Confirmed, the Bishop was very generous with it) I could just feel the grace around her today.


  1. I love that prayer! Thank you for sharing it today ;)

    What a wonderful story about being a sponsor! God Bless you for taking so much interest!!! I know many sponsors that don't take it serious at all, that is so sad to me. I 'll bet you did a great job and ispired her greatly.

    God Bless her on her journey as a new soldier for Christ!

    By the way, you look beautiful and beaming!

  2. Prayers to Melissa. God guide her and guard her heart.

    You both look beautiful. Look at those smiles. What joy!

    I loved your prayer also.

  3. What a happy time for you both!
    I love seeing your sweet smiling face. People talk about kids today and all the trouble, but here's one who proves them wrong, huh?
    God bless you both--Nerm

  4. Congratulations to both of you! Melissa couldn't have chosen a better sponsor!!! You both look just beautiful!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

 Wow! So, it's been a few years since I've been on this old blog! I have some updates to work on but thought I'd start today! Ab...