Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Petetion Thursday

Tonight is my Holy Hour with our Lord. I will pray for you and your intentions. If you have special intentions, please leave them in my comment box by clicking on "comments" . I have special intentions this week, one for Margaret
the other for my son, who will be making his first Communion this weekend.
I pray that our wonderful Lord keeps his soul and the souls of the other first Communicants as pure and innocent as they are right now. They are full of love and full of pure faith. I will be crying the whole time, I'm sure. Please pray for my intentions, and I will pray for yours!
God bless you all. May He make us all Saints!


  1. We are praying for Margaret!! How exciting for your son! We will be praying for him too!

  2. My daughter is making her FHC on Sunday, too! I'll pray for your son, and I've been praying for Margaret, and a few other women I know in the same situation. I've thrown in a few prayers for myself, too!

  3. Please pray that my youngest ds does NOT come down with the chicken pox - my hope is to stay healthy until after my sister's May 24th wedding! I've been praying for Margaret, too. I'm thankful she shared the joy of new life with us (she has a wonderful support network of women who appreciate and love life, no matter how small).

    Jamie, have a great weekend - I'm sure you have a celebration planned, in your son's honor!

  4. Thank you first of all for praying for us.

    Please add my family to your prayers that we are doing God's will.

    Pray for the protection of my children's pure souls.

    Pray for my old 40 yr old soul that I will continue doing God's Holy Will.

    Congrats to a special little boy and his family. Our family rosary this weekend will be for him.

  5. If you could pray specifically for a safe delivery of this baby, I would appreciate it. Thank you, Jamie!

  6. Thanks for praying for us every
    Thursday-continue for my mother please. She's going thru a rocky period which means I am too. Sometimes I feel it's only God's strength that keeps me calm & patient. Of course, it is! What am I saying? Nerm


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