Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More Pentecost Ideas!

In The Big Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions, they suggest decorating your table with a red or white tablecloth for Pentecost and putting daisies on as a centerpiece. Just as a Daisy has many individual petals connected to a single center point, there are Christians all over the world belonging to Christ. Since Pentecost is the birth of the Catholic Church, isn't this a beautiful flower to help celebrate?
I bought this book a couple weeks ago and was kind of shocked by the price when I got up to the counter...but I thought about 10 seconds and wanted it so badly that I bought it anyway...(Sorry dear hubby! ) I have gotten so many ideas from it though and been so inspired by it. I now know it was worth the $24 price! I was at a little Catholic store in town and wanted it now, and did not even think of waiting and checking Amazon first, I should have...I guess.
Then this morning, I noticed Jessica has this book too, here I thought I was being original! I do love this blogging for the sharing of ideas, it is so inspiring!
We talked about the wind today and how we can see, hear and feel the effects of the wind, but we cannot see the wind. We discussed seeing things move, trees, laundry hanging, feel the breeze on our faces, warm or cold. Then we compared it to the Holy Spirit and how we cannot see it, but we can see It's Fruits. We can see It's Gifts.
12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit:
  • Charity
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • patience
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Generosity
  • Gentleness
  • Faithfulness
  • Modesty
  • Self-control
  • Chastity

(Gal 5:22-23)

7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

  • Knowledge
  • Understanding
  • Counsel
  • Fortitude
  • Piety
  • Fear of the Lord
  • Wisdom

They also suggested in this book to list the Fruits of the Spirit on shapes of actual fruits and each child can pick a fruit (from a basket) and explain what each fruit means and how we can use these fruits.

For the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, they suggest making 7 yellow flames of fire with a slightly larger orange flame glued behind it, and listing the gifts on each flame. Then put all in a hat (or basket or whatever) and each family member draws from it and whatever each person picks is the gift they will pray for all that year. (you can double up, if you have more than 7 in your family or also do the Fruits)

I also liked their idea of making paper kites and listing the Gifts of the Spirit on the knots. This would look great in our school room! Dawn also has a great windsock idea!

I have been given a little slack for not posting projects ahead of time, I hope this helps someone out there! I always have these ideas in my head, it's just easier to keep them there until we do it!

Have a great Wednesday everyone, Blessings to you all! Again, this dumb blogger will not let me do paragraphs, sorry, it's obnoxious I know!


  1. Don't you love that book? I have way too many idea books--but I love every one!! (I do usually buy them on Amazon though, since their prices are so great. But it nice to support your local store too!)

    I sometimes have the problem with spacing in blogger, but if you go to the edit html tab, you should be able to fix it by entering returns in that screen. I hope that helps. God Bless!

  2. I don't mind reading your blog without spaces. Doesn't bother me at all!

    Thank you for all the ideas and posting them early. You helped me out a lot. I always wanted to start a group like this where mothers can share ideas.

    Enjoy the is just so beautiful out!

  3. We have that book too, and I love it!
    Thank you for sharing all of your ideas and links.


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