Thursday, June 19, 2008

Patricia Polacco

Thank you Paula for suggesting this author/illustrator, we have loved her. She has very interesting stories and each with a lesson or virtue to discuss. Her illustrations were also very interesting, some featured bright reds in certain parts, some showed actual pictures among the drawings. Ballerina Rosie really liked The Butterfly, and I have to say, I loved it too, I love stories from that time in history. It was sad, but had happy parts too. I think we are ready to read Anne Frank as a read aloud! We really enjoyed getting to know Patricia Polacco and can't wait to see what author you come up with next. We are off to the library because Babushka's Doll is reserved for someone else and we have it!


  1. We love Patricia Polacco too! My girls love The Butterfly, but another of our favorites is called "An Orange for Frankie." It is really good!

  2. We are headed to the library today! I will check her out. They look lovely!
    I have to bring my checkbook though. I have a few fees... sigh... I love books too much. I have a hard time giving them back, lol.

  3. Next author is Mem Fox. The best book so far? Feathers and Fools.

  4. Hi Jaime,

    I was wondering, if you could please share on your blog someday:

    1) The graces you have recieved from praying the rosary

    2)How you met your husband

    3) Your conversion story

    Also do you scrapbook? Creative Memories?

    I'd love to hear!

    Thank you so much!

    May God Bless you.

    P.S. Would you like a St. Gianna prayer card? I have some and I can touch them to the relic her daughter sent me awhile ago. I would be more than happy to send you a prayer card! Just email me your address and it's your's!

    May God Bless you.


  5. Maria!!
    Yes, I can share those things, sometime, those are biggies though, give me some time--OK?

    Right now I am reading My Spirit Rejoices (still, slowly) the diary of Elisabeth Leseur. In the chapel tonight, I could not help but think of you while reading it, have you heard of it? Check it out!

    I will email you for that prayer card, my goddaughter is named Eva Gianna Maria, hows that for coincidence? Your name and hers?
    Have you been getting my emails?

    Graces from the Rosary? Go back in my archives and read the first week of May, I have a good one in there...titled "My Favorite Rosary/Petition Thursday" it's May 8th and check out May 2nd too. My archives are way down towards the bottom of the blog, on the right side, just click on "May"
    Really, the graces of the rosary are my life...but I will think about it for a post.

    Amy: LOL! Yes, we usually have fees too, that is why I Love to own books! We actually got a bunch more Patricia Polacco books we liked her so much!

    Paula: Mem Fox? We just returned her Opposum Magic book today!

    Jessica: We reserved An Orange for Frankie today!

  6. Thanks to you & Paula, we've got seven Patricia Polacco books on hold at our library! Love to you both. :)

  7. That's a neat idea to have an 'author study' of sorts. We have certain favorite authors, but have never checked out a big stack of books all by the same author at the same time.

    Have you ever read any of Jane Hissey's books about Old Bear, Little Bear, etc? We LOVE them.

    I miss having an English library!

    Hugs to all of you.

  8. Hello Jamie....We have been to the library also. Surprise we didn't see each other!

    I never heard of her and will check her out next time!

  9. Did you mean the orginal Ann Frank? I started reading it to my 4th and 6th grade sons one year and quickly stopped...surpring content.

    Instead we read Number The Stars by Lois Lowry to assuage their interest in the war. It was a riveting story for me as well. I had no idea that that country untied as it did to save their jews. You will be so moved!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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