Tuesday, July 29, 2008

If Anyone is Interested

Thanks to +JMJ+ who referred me to The Sensible Bond. He has a great post about his reasons why he left the SSPX. It is a very deep article. ( I had to pray to the Holy Spirit a few times) but well worth the long read, if you are interested in this controversy. I feel this article of his gives me hope that my parents might come back someday.


  1. Jamie, I felt so bad for you when I read your post about your parents. Your pain came right thru the words on the screen. I will keep you and them in my prayers. Being estranged from a close family member is so difficult, let us look forward to the day when they return. Luv, Nerm

  2. Through your ceaseless prayers and Divine Intervention, you parents will see the Light. I just know it, Jamie.
    Don't loose heart and Peace in the meantime. It might just be a longer fight than they or you realize! I know how strong-willed your parents are.
    Hang in there and keep giving it to Him on Thursdays at Adoration and also put them in the Chalice every Mass you can.
    Much love and prayers,

  3. Hello Jamie,

    Good to talk to you today! Hope you had a good swim with the kiddos.

    Thanks also for listening.

    I am almost back online. A little more tweeking with the computer.

  4. Hi Jamie-yes, this is the same aunt we visited back in the spring. Amy wanted to see her since she has not in a very long time. At 90 yrs old, you never know how many more chances there are, so we're going before school starts. Thanks for your prayers and that cute car game. Luv, Nerm

  5. I'll read it tonight when the kids go to bed. I hope things are better with you and your family, at least that you're feeling better in your heart. :-(

  6. Jamie, my husband found something he wanted me to share with you.

    The accurate translation from the Douay-Rheims Bible
    Psalm 84:10

    "For better is one day in thy courts above thousands. I have chosen to be an abject in the house of my God, rather than to dwell in the tabernacles of sinners."

    Chosen-to-be-abject connotes sufferings, as we suffer with some of these liturgical abuses and disobedience to Rome from our clergy and religious with the Catholic church...

    "Sinners" is perhaps too harsh a description for those in the society who may be there out of a love of orthodoxy, the Traditional Latin Mass is said beautifully and with reverence...the Priest says the black and does the red...finito...no room for personality and hijinx entertainment...and they have tabernacles, interestingly (that from the old, accurate translation not modernized to "tents")...but they have left the Barque of Peter and it is better to suffer from within and work for change within than risk schism.

    Perhaps this verse has meaning to you in your situation?


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

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