Friday, August 15, 2008

The Feast of The Assumption/Consecration Day!

Today is the Feast of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin, a holy day of obligation.
One of my favorite days of the year!
Today is also our day of Consecration to Jesus through Mary, for those of you who have done this with me this year. I thank you and wish all of God's abundant blessings on you and your families!
How to make your Consecration:
At the end of the 3 weeks, we should go to Confession and Holy Communion with the intention of giving ourselves to Jesus Christ in the quality of slaves of love, by the hands of Mary. After Communion, we should recite the consecration prayer; we ought to write it, or have it written, and sign it the same day the consecration is made. it would be well that on this day, we should pay some tribute to Jesus Christ and our Blessed Lady, either as a penance for our past unfaithfulness to the vows of Baptism, or as a testimony of dependence on the dominion of Jesus and Mary. This tribute should be one in accordance with your fervor, such as a fast, a mortification or an alms, or a candle. If but a pin is given in homage, and given with a good heart, it will be enough for Jesus, Who loves only the good will.
Once a year at least, and on the same day, we should renew this consecration, observing the same practices during the three weeks.
Consecration of oneself to Jesus Christ, Wisdom Incarnate, through the hands of Mary
Eternal and incarnate Wisdom, most lovable and adorable Jesus, true God and true man, only Son of the eternal Father and of Mary always Virgin, I adore you profoundly, dwelling in the splendor of your Father from all eternity, and in the virginal womb of Mary, you most worthy Mother, at the time of you Incarnation.
I thank you for having emptied yourself in assuming the condition of a slave to set me free from the cruel slavery of the evil one.
I praise and glorify you for having willingly chosen to obey Mary, your holy Mother, in all things so that through her I may be your faithful slave of love.
But I must confess that I have not kept the vows and promises which I made to you so solemnly at my baptism. I have not fulfilled my obligations, and I do not deserve to be called your child or even your slave.
Since I cannot lay claim to anything except what merits your rejection and displeasure, I dare no longer approach the holiness of your majesty on my own. That is why I turn to the intercession and the mercy of your holy Mother, whom you yourself have given me to mediate with you. Through her I hope to obtain from you contrition and pardon for my sins and that Wisdom whom I desire to dwell in me always.
I turn to you, then, Mary immaculate, living tabernacle of God, in whom Eternal Wisdom willed to receive the adoration of both men and angels.
I greet you as Queen of heaven and earth, for all that is under God has been made subject to your sovereignty.
I call upon you, the unfailing refuge of sinners confident in your mercy that has never forsaken anyone.
Grant my desire for divine Wisdom and, in support of my petition, accept the promises and offering of myself which I now make, conscious of my unworthiness.
I, an unfaithful sinner, renew and ratify today through you my baptismal promises. I renounce forever Satan, his empty promises, and his evil designs, and I give myself completely to Jesus Christ, the incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after him for the rest of my life, and to be more faithful to him than I have been till now.
This day, with the whole court of heaven as witness, I choose you, Mary, as my Mother and Queen. I surrender and consecrate myself to you, body and soul, as your slave, with all that I possess, both spiritual and material, even including the value of all my good actions, past, present, and to come. I give you the full right to dispose of me and all that belongs to me, without any reservations, in whatever way you please, for the greater glory of God in time and throughout eternity.
Accept, gracious Virgin, this little offering of my slavery to honor and imitate the obedience which Eternal Wisdom willingly chose to have towards you, his Mother. I wish to acknowledge the authority which both of you have over this pitiful sinner. By it, I wish also to thank God for the privileges bestowed on you by the Blessed Trinity. I declare that for the future, I will try to honor and obey you in all things, as your true slave of love.
O admirable Mother, present me to you dear Son as his slave, now and for always, so that he who redeemed me through you will now receive me through you.
Mother of mercy, grant me the favor of obtaining the true Wisdom of God, and so make me one of those whom you love, teach and guide, whom you nourish and protect as your children and slaves.
Virgin most faithful, make me in everything so committed a disciple, imitator, and slave of Jesus, you Son, incarnate Wisdom, that I may become, through your intercession and example, fully mature with the fullness which Jesus possessed on earth, and with the fullness of his glory in heaven. Amen.
Taken from: Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort


  1. Happy Feast and Consecration Day! God bless you and keep you!!


  2. Happy Feast! Happy Consecration Day!

    With love & blessings,


    PS. You have inspired our family, Jamie. Every night at the close of family prayer, we say, "Lord, make me a saint."

    Love you!

  3. What a grace!

    Our Mother is so good.

    On my consecration morning I went out to breakfast with my eldest and our waitress had on the name tag, "Mother Mary"! That felt sooo confirming!

    Blessed day for you! And for Christine too!

  4. Happy Feast and Consecration Day!
    God Bless you and your family Jamie!!

  5. Was good to just talk with you.....if it was only for a little while.

    Many Blessings to sweet sweet friend.

  6. How I love that prayer! Such a blessing and comfort! Happy Feast day to you and your family. Nerm


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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