Monday, March 2, 2009

I Have SO Much To Say!

OK, I've been kind of quiet lately (probably didn't notice) and have been posting pretty light stuff. Today I am going to try to "catch up"! Ever get "Blog Block"? Kind of like writer's block, only I'm not a writer. I have had thoughts come and go about what to post about, but nothing concrete enough and once I get here at the computer, I have been only checking emails and quickly reading any unread blogs on my Google Reader. Then, if I have something quick, I'll post it.

Forgive me if this gets long. I'll start with: I'm 12 weeks now!!! I had my lovely paps today at the OB and got to hear the baby's heart. I am scheduled with my doctor appts until 28 weeks, when at that time, the appts will go to 2-3x/week, if not before that. My C-section is scheduled for August 27th, the feast of St Monica! They scheduled me in the main operating room. (not in the baby unit) Because it's my 5th C-section and they want to be prepared in case I have problems with my blatter (I guess they can cut through my bladder if it's too close to my scar tissue) They also have to be ready if I hemorrhage, they might need to do a hysterectomy. Nice, huh? Now, I have to go and pray and calm down. Everything will be fine. God already knows what will happen. He is already there.
The above picture is where this particular toy always is after being out for 5 minutes. On top of the fridge. I love this toy, because it's such a classic toy, but I also hate it, because they all get sooooo wild with it!

This is our Lenten Sacrifice and Good Deed Jar! We fill it up during lent, every day I notice all the good things they do, and they notice too, and every time they sacrifice something, they get to put in a bean. We are not stingy with the beans, it takes a lot to get it even half full! They have been doing nice things all morning! Somehow, on Easter Sunday, the dry beans are replaced with jelly beans!!!

I have been thinking a lot about a particular friend, named Kerry, (she doesn't read my blog), in fact she has completely severed ties with me! I hurt her over a year and a half ago, by being my "too blunt" self and I'm afraid she just won't forgive me. It hurts so. I love her and think about her every day and miss our friendship. Her birthday is this month and I don't know what to do, I called her last year on her birthday and apologized and we talked and I thought it was all good, but have not heard anything from her since. I think I will just send a card to let her know I'm still thinking and praying for her.
Another old toy, made new by a new toddler! Babycakes learned how to look through this treasure today and loved it! Of course, it is lying in the hallway right now, she's already forgotten about it. Jedi, used this so much when he was little, it was really fun! (Jedi will be 9 in 8 days!)

Christine, what is wrong with black patent shoes? My girls love them, even Ballerina Rosie, who's 6 1/2!! I think she looks great in them! Sorry, I disagree with you about the no black patent shoes after age 5! Maybe 10? :)

The above picture is a picture of a beautiful gift I received in the mail from Regan, it is her lovely Love bird!! I look out my kitchen window and think of her in sunny California as I wash dishes and long for warm weather here!
The below picture is a picture of the books JOT sent me! She sent the Ann Coulter book for my husband, just because I left a comment on one of her posts saying he loves her books, and the other books were just a surprise for me!!! Aren't these women great?

These are Perler Beads and my kids love doing them, all of them! They make treasures all the time! Go here for ideas!
Thanks for going on this long journey today with me, whew!! Lots off my mind!


  1. Oh Goodness! You do have a lot to say!! I loved it all! First, that's great..12 weeks. Hooray! I will keep your pregnancy in my prayers...and whatever may come August 27th... St. Monica's beautiful....any ideas for girls names? Just sayin'... ;)We're doing the Lenten jar as well..we still have a ways to go, but actually Jonah saw the video from Holy Heroes when I pulled it up and said, "we should do that too!" (which is saying A LOT for him to mention it and be all for one of mommy's ideas!!)I'll keep your and Kerry's friendship in prayer as well. I know that can be tough, being that I went through that with a cousin for over a year and we're just starting to get back in communication, strained as it is. I think a card to let her know you still remember her and her bday is a good idea.
    Any way, blessings on your week! Maybe one day we can get together with kiddos?? We'll see..just a thought. Blessings!

  2. Hi Jamie! Your yard is so beautiful. I'm so jealous!! We haven't started anything for lent yet except sacrifices. Thank you for the bean jar idea. The kids & I just looked through your post & now they're standing here with a jar, ready to go. What a blessing for a C-section date. I didn't know you had to have C-sections. Praying for you as you enter T2!!!

  3. Hurrah! A baby's heartbeat is so lovely to hear!! Send your friend a card, because it acknowledges her and it says "I'm here when you're ready". Regans little love bird is cute!! Glad you're enjoying the books.

    This was a fun read!!

  4. 12 weeks! How great! I will be 12 weeks on Thursday!!! So excited for you! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!

  5. My dd is 8 and she still likes the black shoes (although hers have a little heel on them now). That's a great reminder about the beans - I even have jelly beans on hand already.

    My little popper is now outside in the garage. One too many trips around the old house landed it there - and once something goes outside, it doesn't come back in!!

    I'll pray for you and your friend.

    Thanks, too, for the reminder about perler beads. We have a bunch & that is something that all the kids enjoy.

    BTW, I do understand the BLOCK! It seems that everyone has had a struggle the past month or so - judging by the number of posts. So, I was glad to see your long post today. I do miss my Jamie fix when you don't post!

  6. it sure doesn't seem like you've got writers' block. i think you've just been bottlin' all that up inside of you the whole week.
    i'll try not to be long winded-but i don't think a girl is ever too old for black paten leather shoes. my daughter is 10 and she has a pair and I am 32 and i have some red ones, i have actually been looking for a black pair!
    so glad all is well with baby. take care of yourself.

    ps. that love bird is awfully cute! but i am thinkin' you need a bit o' green....hmmmm.....

  7. Jaime, you, your precious unborn baby, beautiful children, and husband are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for you daily.

    May I please ask for prayers too?

    By the way, today hubby and I had a consult with a new surgeon who is an endo expert. He agreed to do my second surgery. When I gave him my first surgery report, he shook his head and said the same thing that my napro doctor did: that the first surgeon didn't do a great job and all he did was drain the cysts! He reassured me that he would remove all the remaining cysts, endo, and adhesians.

    He also said that even though the first surgeon couldn't do the surgery through my belly, he thought he can. He said he never had to do an open surgery on an endo patient. He told me I would only need two weeks out of work this time.

    This guy seems to know and understand how to deal with endo. He wants to give hubby and I the best chance of being able to conceive. They will be calling within the next few days to give me a surgery date. Before I left the office they told me my surgery date will probably be in April. The surgeon will also perform a HSG during the procedure, which will check to see if my tubes are blocked. If they are blocked, he told me he will be able to unblock them!!

    Hubby and I both remarked today that we wish we had been referred to this new surgeon eighteen months ago!

    Finally! I'm going to be rid of this pain AND I might even be able to conceive a child eventually too!
    I feel very hopeful!

    May God Bless you.


  8. Great to read ya!

    I like the patent leather shoes too.

    I think it is nice to send your friend a card, and you did apologize. SOunds like the ball is in her court. She may even truly forgive you but not have the time to talk much. I always feel like I should contact my friends more, but it's hard to fit it all in.

  9. ugh...I gotta apologize about the shoes to all my patent lover friends. I should have stressed that my feet are HUGE and I was tramatized by it. I was also very very much a tomboy and hated wearing the fancy smancy stuff. My mom made me so it I hated it even more. I was just looking at the black shoes the other day for my litte girl. I was just being dramatic. I do that on my blog...kind of go to extremes.

    How come the top of your fridge is so clean???

    Congrats to 12 weeks. You must be so excited.

    I also have a good friend that through a pretty touchy situation we no longer talk. Pray about the card thing. If she doesn't call or talk to you after the card then sometimes we have to respect that persons decision to no longer have a relationship with.

    Good talking to ya last night;)

  10. I should add (about the friend) that I sent her a letter at Christmas apologizing again and giving her every possible way to get in contact with me.

    Maybe you are right Christine, maybe it's time to let her be. We are her son's Godparents and I have also sent gifts the last 2 Christmases with no acknowledment of receiving anything.

    Sometimes prayer is the best thing...I think I will send one last b-day card though...

  11. You'll be feeling better in no time - 12 weeks!! Noelle keeps offering things for you - so sweet! Wish she'd be that compassion towards her siblings :)
    Our popper was ALWAYS kept outside! Of course now that your living room is so Holy... :)
    Tell the kids that their Perler creations are beautiful!!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

 Wow! So, it's been a few years since I've been on this old blog! I have some updates to work on but thought I'd start today! Ab...