Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Old Classics!

Here are just some of our Dr Seuss classic books! I brought them out the other day for "Mary" age 4 and "Babycakes" now 3. They loved them! We've been reading them multiple times each day. I never tire of them! They were brand new to them both, as they have been on our shelf for at least a year. Sometimes it's hard to remember to take down those little things that the bigger kids are no longer into, but when we do, everything is brand new and their laughs and happy faces are just priceless!

"I love my house, I love my nest, In all the world, My nest is best!"
--Mr Bird


  1. I really like the P.D. Eastman books. 'The Best Nest' is one of my favorites. I don't like the regular Dr. Suess as much, but I'm probably in the minority there!

    Zeke has been reading through some of the easier Dr. Suess. It's the sense of accomplishment that's encouraging for him.

  2. I have to agree with you about remembering to bring out the classics for the little ones. I read all of the "Little House" books to my three oldest and keep "forgetting" to do it for the last four. Some of them got tired of waiting and read them on there own!
    God Bless.

  3. There are definitely some books that are always so much fun to come back to again and again ... and again!

  4. They were favs when my kids were littles, too. I like Marvin K. Mooney! and Hop on Pop.

  5. My big kids still listen and look when I read to the little kids.

    Those are classics!

  6. you have a few here that i have never seen before. i'll have to look for those titles. we love. love seuss books. the teenager and i must've read mr. brown can moo, can you and are you my mother a billion times. those were the good days. we were so blessed to get a bunch of the stuffed animals when khol's had them for $5-, along with the books-hardcovers, too! we have fox in socks, horton, yertle and hop on pop and cat in the hat. i tend to put these particular toys away for "myself"...
    hope your leg is doing better, jaimie. you have been in my prayers.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

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