Monday, July 27, 2009

It's Official!

I can no longer paint my toes.


  1. I bet your oldest daughter would love love love to get at your tootsies! She is artistic!

  2. Yeah, I was going to suggest you let Kissteen paint them. :) Ha!

  3. Bring your tootsies on over here Jamie. I only have one color.

  4. Aaahhh...if only I were a little closer! :) I'd love to help you out...I bet those girls of yours would do a doozie of a job too though :D

  5. a badge of honor ... you are that much closer to a babe in arms.

  6. Just remember, this too shall pass, and then you'll have a wonderful wee one in your arms.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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