Monday, July 20, 2009

Update on Melissa and Her Sweet Baby!

Melissa's baby boy is doing great, he somehow swallowed fluid during the delivery (c-section) and got fluid in his lungs. He was in her hospital room on Saturday when the girls and I visited!
Babycakes, Mary and Ballerina Rosie all got to hold him and I can already tell, I will not get much time to hold my sweet baby when she comes with all these little mamas in the house!

I'd show you a picture of sweet Jonathan, but Melissa wants to do that herself!
So, thank you all for your prayers!!

Thank you also for your prayers for me, my fluid level was up today to 7.7, anything above 7 is good!!


  1. Jamie, I love to hear good news! I'm so glad that you are doing well. I will keep on praying for you!

  2. My oldest son did the same thing when he was extracted from my body. We were in the hospital together five days. Poor chap! Give M a hug from me!!

    I'm glad your fluids are up and you're doing well. Now, keep resting as much as you can. :)


  3. So glad everyone is doing well!!! Prayers are continuing for you and the beautiful baby!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

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