OK, I couldn't resist these beautiful colors in this picture, but yes, we do have our pencils and crayons and all that goes with starting school all ready!

Since the baby is coming August 27
th, and I will be in the hospital for 4 days recovering from the C-section, and will need more time to recover once home, I will be taking off 3 weeks. This year school starts around here after Labor Day, which gives me an extra week, so somehow we need to do 2 weeks of school in August. When I looked at the calendar, I had no idea how or when we'd have 2 weeks, with all my
appts! SO, I decided, since we do 4 day weeks, we'd do 2 days a week for the next 4 weeks, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, schooling right up to the day before baby comes! Then starting again mid-end of September. The kids are excited, I'm excited, so we start tomorrow!!
Notice the MN Zoo day? Since we needed to cancel our vacation this year, my husband is taking the kiddos to the zoo next Monday. Way too much walking for this mama! SO mama gets to stay home that day....I'd rather go, really I would!
I am excited to start school too. We need to get a jump start as well so we will be starting in a couple weeks. (This week we still have swimming lessons and then next week I have two doctors appts, so we will start the 17th.)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it is almost time for you to deliver!! I CAN'T WAIT to see pictures !!! =)
Happy Back to School KIDDOS and mama. Sounds like a good plan you have.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed at your energy level and how organized you are. Amazing.
How very organized you are! What excellent planning to get a head start and get going. What a great calendar too...I'm thinking maybe I need one..:)
ReplyDeleteI noted the Blogger's Tea on your calendar. Are you planning on attending? I'm looking forward to it. Can't wait to meet some of these ladies IRL. Are you carpooling with anyone? Would you like to? Let me know.
Blessings on your new school year!
I'm due Aug. 31st...so we started school yesterday knowing we will take time off when the baby comes...Oh and you will be having your baby on my birthday. I guess it's possible that I, too, will be delivering that day.
ReplyDeletePrayers for your first day! I didn't know you were starting so soon!! You are really prepared and sounds like a great plan to get in those few weeks.
ReplyDeleteLuke was SO excited to see his B-day on your calendar - we just got your package today and the kids are LOVING it!! He is working on a thank you as we speak. Much prayers and love as you start your new school year! (suppose I should order my books, huh? :)