Wednesday, August 5, 2009

School Started!

The kiddos weight 35, 45, 55 and 65 lbs, I thought that was pretty cool, being about 2 years apart each! This was the best out of about 6 poses, then Babycakes was done.

First day was very, very busy! Our little kindergartner was a little disappointed that the whole day did not focus on just her. Today went much better, she kind of knew what to expect! This is Babycakes, who loves any craft or activity, she is only 3 but learning right along side her bigger sister! This is the "blue and yellow make green" lesson!
I think this 2 days per week schooling is easing me into school again too. I forgot how many messes all over the house happen during school hours....LOTS! The house is actually a complete disaster when we are done. I have lots of little projects, but they do them and move onto bigger and more fun things to destroy. Ballerina Rosie is in 2nd grade now and getting used to the much more work, it's quite a big difference from last year! Jedi is doing great and working so independantly, wanting to start right away in the morning to "beat" Ballerina Rosie with his work! (finish early) We've already had to go to the library for resourse books for History. I think we are off to a good start.


  1. Looks like you are having fun ... Happy First Day!

  2. You're all off to a good start - start by enjoying it right? Have fun! That was what I mostly left out of our experience and I regret it. Life's too short! YOu can have fun and learn at the same time.

  3. Looks like a great start! How are you feeling?

  4. Nice to see someone starting early and hear that it's going well.

    The first year we homeschooled, I eased into it a little differently. Each child had one week (only 2 were being homeschooled at that time) with LOTS of mom time. The week for their sibling had a much reduced schedule for them. Then we tried to find a balance. Glad to heard I'm not the only one puzzled as to how the house turns into a disaster during schooltime.

  5. Jamie, what did you decide about the dandelion root? Thanks for your message about "Torn to Shreds". We have a large deaf community at our church. Our deacon is deaf as well as a parishioner who is now a seminarian. How beautiful that your sister always has the experience of seeing her sins shred by the priest!

  6. Anne,
    I'd already started taking it, on Saturday when I bought it. I'm actually not worried about anything, I'd worry much more about prescribed drugs than natural herbs. I've seen dandelion soups and teas in magazines, just had never heard of it used for good things, like liver and kidney function. I am not on any drugs, except insulin and prenatals/calcium. Thanks so much for your concern!

    My sister is SSPX, so no more face to face Confessions, so not sure if she sees him shred her written Confession anymore, but she used to. Yes, it's beautiful!

  7. I love messy houses! That means there is life going on at home and a lot of fun.

    At least you have nice cool weather so the kids do not want to go swim!!!

  8. Jamie - did you ever have the misfortune of licking your fingers after picking dandelions? I did (as a kid) and it is much like drinking milk after eating an apple: bitter. I hope the natural supplements work.

    Be of good cheer! You're in my prayers!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

 Wow! So, it's been a few years since I've been on this old blog! I have some updates to work on but thought I'd start today! Ab...