Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (or Around the Yard in August)


  1. Cool pictures!! Love the one with the bee!

    Girls are so pretty with flowers.

    Hopefully those tomatoes will be in a salad by next week!

  2. i this post jaimie. what WONDERFUL pictures. sigh. everything is so dead here.
    i will have to settle for the joy your yard is giving me right now...

  3. Yes, Margaret, can you tell, I've had my fill, I can barely see my feet? I better stop with the tea, huh? :)

  4. Hey! We're both doing better with the wordless part today ... at least in the posts. Loves seeing the pics of all your flowers & the kids.

  5. I'm turning green with envy - my morning glories never took off this year! My mailbox won't look right this year with nothing to replace the faded daylilies. Hope you enjoy yours to the fullest!

  6. Great photography! Beautiful flowers around your mailbox. Love all or your flowers!

  7. I lUV the flower shots too but I'm drawn to the one of your son reading. (and your toes under belly)

    Nice job, you have such pretty flowers around your house and since I have no green thumb I especially admire the work that goes into that.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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