Friday, September 4, 2009

What Do You Think?

We turned in our penny jar $60 some bucks, the kiddos have been saving their money, Tom and I are saving our birthday money and we are saving up for this!! We have 2 doctors as neighbors, one of them has this in their backyard, and they allow only 2 jumpers at a time. I guess most injuries are caused by more than one jumper jumping at a time and jumping into eachother. We need something more fun here at home to do, especially for Jedi who is surrounded by all girls all day!


  1. We have one and the kids love it. Definitely get a good one and get a good net. The peace of mind is worth the extra expense. Oh, and our dogs love it, too.....

  2. We have a mini-exercise trampoline in our basement -- I love it for getting the ants of The Boy's pants in the winter. The kids' cousin has one like you pictured in her backyard, with the safety net, and my kiddos LOVE going over there to use it. I also have the no-more-than-two-jumpers-at-a-time rule.

    Something to think about -- in our overly-litigious society -- rules about who you will allow to use it. I have a friend who has one and she makes parents of schoolmates, etc -- people she doesn't know well -- sign a waiver.

  3. We have one and have been known to play organized games on it for gym.

    Here is one post from my blog that explains some of the type of organized games we play on our trampoline.

  4. My kiddos are begging for one. We have been warned by an emergency room nurse NOT to buy one - she's seen too many injuries from trampoline use. But I still might lobby for one for next summer.

    What do you do with it in the winter, bty?

  5. You're suppose to take them down. However we, like most people, around here do NOT take it down. It just stays up 24/7. We are in IL near the IL/WI border, it gets cold, we get snow, etc.

    All trampolines have a risk, but some are safer then others.

    For example ours does NOT have springs and the mat and frame cover are sown together so there are no gaps between the mat and and frame cover while jumping. Plus we have the netting around it.

  6. We were thinking about getting one but our insurance guy said that your home owners insurance goes up quite a bit when you get one. And if you don't tell them you have one and someone does happen to get hurt, what are the consequences. Our ins. guy also happens to be a friend, so he would know if we got one. The cousins have them (one has a net the other doesn't) I definately wouldn't get one without a net! Good luck with your decision.
    Loved seeing the sleeping baby pic. My baby is almost 7 mo. old and getting so big. I hope I see you around somewhere before the first book meeting. Give her an extra hug and kiss from me please.

  7. I would so get one . . . great exercise, I hear! Then, I just read on Yahoo News a link for "bigger thighs, healthier heart" and said, "foggetaboutit" to exercise. Just kidding!
    I love those trampolines - I may have to stop by and jump on yours (next time we're in MN)... you never know . . . three years in HI goes by fast!

  8. Oh I wanted one soooooo bad but my DH objected because of the injuries. My friend who has 5 kiddos and her DH is a dr. also is not getting one because her DH said noway. I tell ya....those men take all the fun out of life.

    However, check it all out before you make the investment. Look into insur. etc....and go for it if it is what you want!!!

  9. I so want one. My sister has one and her kids love it!


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