Sunday, October 11, 2009

Faith Like Potatoes

My husband rented this from Netflix. We watched it last night and it was great! I will not give away what the title means, because it's such an "aha" moment when it comes out towards the end. This is a true story and the DVD comes with a documentary featuring the real life people in the story. The movie reminded me somewhat of "Fireproof" only with good actors and not cheesy at all. Probably too long for kiddos, but a great, faith filled, movie for you and your hubby!
Trust me, go rent this one!


  1. Thanks for the review Jamie!! We've got that one on our Netflix list too. I'd read a good review on it. Can't wait to get it and watch. Right now we've got "New in Town" to watch in the next few evenings. I think I'd read a good review of it in Faith & Family or somewhere similar. Will let you know how that one is!

  2. I'm writing that one down. Thanks!

  3. Sarah-I loved "New In Town" Enjoy it!!

  4. I saw this one at a Red Box lately and was wondering if it was any good. Thanks, Jamie!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. On the surface the movie seems to be harmless, and even inspirational. But, one must discern and be cautious about the fact that Angus B. allows a movie to be made about healings and bringing back someone from the dead. the Catholic Church thoroughly investigates miracles for good reason. A healing or sign is not necessarily from God. I have investigated further and I am concerned about the teachings of Angus B. Check into it for yourself.


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Making a Comeback!

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