Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Handiwipes, anyone?

This is what I found the other day! Hey, at least I found them before they all dried up! I just folded them all up and put them back in, no problem!


  1. At least you folded them...I probably would have stuffed them back in!

  2. Who was the curious little stinker. Sweetie-pie??? hee hee

    I would have stuffed them too!

  3. Oh, I find those A LOT around here, too =)

  4. Looks like something that would happen in Wild Strawberry's room!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

 Wow! So, it's been a few years since I've been on this old blog! I have some updates to work on but thought I'd start today! Ab...