Friday, December 11, 2009

7 Things!

I'm not good enough at blogging to commit to anything like the "7 Quick Takes", but here's 7 things I won't ever have enough time to blog about in 7 posts!
It finally snowed here in Minnesota and the kiddos are loving it!!! The only bad thing is it is also finally really, really cold. Too cold to play too long outside....warm up is on the way though, 20 degrees expected Saturday!
These 2 pictures of Sweetie Pie are for Margaret, she is starting to fit into her 3-6 months size clothes and these tees are 100% adorable on her!

Anyone catch the final finale of "Monk"? I've watched him off and on over the past few years and I was really pleased with the final show, it was really cute...don't you think?
Our Catholic Women's Book Club!! (5 are missing in this picture, oh, and I'm taking the picture)
This lovely group of ladies meets in my cold, mixed furniture basement twice a month.
from L-R Amanda, Louise, Clarissa, Susan, Sandy,
Brenda (holding Sweetie Pie), Ann Marie and Christine .

I cut Babycakes hair (age 3 1/2) it was almost to her butt and the ends were stringy and hard to comb through, I cut about 4 inches BUT, I forgot to take a "before" picture....dumb mama!
It looks so cute though!
Ballerina Rosie will be making her first Confession (Reconciliation as they call it now) tomorrow morning! I took Christine's idea of "white gifts" and bought her these, and she gets to take a bath tonight in my big tub, explaining to her that her outside is nice and clean, now Confession will make her inside clean and pure also!
Finally, an easy, Christmas craft for anyone to do! Christmas wreaths made from paper plates, & bingo dabbers! (save your circles for snowmen in January)
Happy Feast days everyone!! We'll be making paper bag tilmas for Our Lady of Guadalupe!


  1. That was fun to see all the pictures!

    Good to see you and the kiddos look great!

    Especially Sweetie-pie! The daddy shirt is cuuuuute!

  2. I had to do a double read when you wrote that Sweetie Pie was finally starting to wear her 3-6 mos. clothes. Louis is in 3-6 mos. & some 6-9 mos. (those mostly because of length)!!

    How I do wish we had a bit of that snow. My kids love to be out in it and it entertains so much better than the light covering we have right now.

    Glad to see pics of the kids! Happy Advent & happy feasts, too.

  3. Forgot to add...prayers for daughter getting ready for a special sacrament. Special special time.

    oh...and I look like a big huge red wreath berry!

  4. Well done!
    Love the tees on Sweetie Pie! Darling haircut on Babycakes and I love all the ideas for Ballerina Rosie's First Reconciliation!! Blessings to her on her big day tomorrow!!
    I was also intrigued with your women's book club and delighted when I at least recognized a few faces from around the Catholic women's circle! :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Love seeing all of the pictures! especially of sweetie pie (Alex just moved into 3-6 months as well)...I will pray for Ballerina Rosie's big day tomorrow!

  6. She's a doll! An absolute doll!!

    Now when do I get to hold her?

  7. Great pics and I LUV that craft! We're going to do that, thanks.

    Jamie, you always have good craft ideas. You should combine them all somewhere on your blog...if you already don't and I just didn't notice... ;)

  8. I recognize Ann Marie. I'm pretty sure she is a sister to Father Michael. He was our priest for the last 6 years. He's now in Rome teaching at seminary. We miss him:-( We do have a very nice priest now though too.
    What book are you ladies on??


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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