Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (Big Hug!)

Our Thanksgiving was very nice, but busy! It took me all week to plan and cook everything, especially with this "big hugging" girl! We had Tom's brother and his family here but I only got a few pictures, way after the meal was made and eaten and way before the dishes were done! (and not very good ones at that!) The next day, my sister came to visit and I shopped off and on between baby feedings. (we live literally 5 minutes from any store in town) Saturday, was my aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary party and Sunday, after Mass, my hubby and I went on a date! Then, Monday, school started again after being off for a are crazy!
We've been doing Holy Heroes every day, but I still have not gone down to the basement and gotten our Advent stuff!!!!
Oops...was this supposed to be "Wordless"?


  1. HELLO fun to see Sweet-Pie and hear from you. I want to call everyday but I know you are super busy.

    Glad your Thanksgiving went well and your shopping has started.

    My kids are crazy too!

  2. Hugs right back at you Sweetie Pie!

  3. what a little doll. We signed up for holy Heros but this year I'm just reading and watching it. My girl is just two. so next year we'll try it out for real. It makes for a busy advent. Go get your wreath!! :)

  4. She is so cute! I wish we could get the girls together!!!

  5. Sounds like you had a busy, family-packed weekend, too. My kids have been nuts - I still think it is triggered by the weather. It blew like crazy yesterday and today the snow (lightly falling) started in the afternoon.

    Thanks for the package that arrived on Friday! Bless you...

  6. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who wasn't "ready to go" on the first Sunday of Advent. I'm slowly doing things. Maybe that's good anyway, like a gradual progression, or a gradual journey to Christmas ...

    You little girl is so cute! Love that big-hug photo!

  7. Cute smiley picture of sweetie-pie!

  8. Awww, she is so beautiful!

  9. Isn't it amazing how these babies start out as pink screaming little tyrants and in just a few months they turn into smiling angels? She's gorgeous! Can't wait for our next one!

  10. She is sooo cute. I can't wait for my baby girl-4 days!!!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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