Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey Where Did (Wordless) Wednesday Go?

Tai Kwon Do edition


  1. I will never ever ever ever say anything mean to Tom...whew he looks like a bad dude..don't mess with me kindadude.

    You are a lucky mama to have all those karate choppers around to protect you!

  2. So cool that your hubby is doing this with the kids. My oldest boy really enjoyed TKD - all the way to black belt. Wish there was a group closer to the farm for our three little boys...

  3. Ahhhhh. They look fabulous.
    I hope TKD is as wonderful for your family as it was for ours.

    We all did TKD together before we moved. Hubby, me and all 5 children (ages 6 - 18 now). Oldest daughter is a blackbelt (18). It is a wonderful thing to do as a family. Our school is owned by a husband/wife team - we were all a great big family. It was a fabulous experience all around.

    This is our school - -

    Have a wonderful day -
    look forward to seeing testing updates!


  4. I'm just going over with my kids all the possibilities of what physical activity groups they could join. How did you settle on TKD? It sounds like a lot of fun and exercise..... what to choose!?


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

 Wow! So, it's been a few years since I've been on this old blog! I have some updates to work on but thought I'd start today! Ab...