Friday, May 14, 2010

Around the Yard

We've had a week of rain, rain, rain. We've needed it, see how green everything is?
The rain hasn't kept the kiddos in the whole time, there's mud pies to make!

I really love when they play with stuff from nature! It's so creative and fun to watch. Hopefully it will be the things they remember about childhood.
(yes, we still have our sleds out....we do live in MN)

Today the glorious sun is shining and everyone is happy.
I hope to be back to post a craft, but maybe not until Monday, so have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


  1. Jamie...hope you get better soon. Looking forward to seeing your box garden.

    You are a great mama for letting the kids play with dirt and water and outside stuff. YES they will remember and be better kids for being outside.

    I love the sun today too. It is so green out and I have our sheets on the line today.

    I wish I could call you but you cannot talk! I also am not using my cell phone anymore because it gives me headaches. I do not want to get a tumor from it!!!!

  2. Jamie, thinking of you and hope you feel better soon! I will be praying the rosary for you today!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    May God Bless you!


  3. Wasn't today so much better than the rest of the week? I mean, the rain was nice and all but the sun was such a treat today! Oh bliss!

    I love Sweetie Pie's smile. It gave me a big smile too!

    Happy Weekend!

  4. We had a lot of rain this week too, but today was GLORIOUS! I went on a field trip with Drew and had a great day! Those pictures are beautiful! That baby girl is soooo precious (or presh as my nieces would say!)...get better! have a great weekend!

  5. Dear Jamie Jo,
    Our children have always played in water and mud.
    It just requires me to adjust my thinking to allow them to get dirty and then allow time to clean up.
    I have great memories of this as do our children
    God Bless


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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