Friday, August 27, 2010

The Bells

The bells, the beautiful bells.
Our Church uses the bells at the Consecration.
We LOVE it!
The kiddos, no matter what they are doing, even the babies, all look up at this most important time.
This time when something wonderful is happening.
The time when the bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord.
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
The bells, the beautiful bells.


  1. We are blessed that our parish uses the bells at the point of consecration, too.

  2. We use them too, except on Holy Thursday when they use the "knockers". When my oldest is serving, he loves to be the server ringing the bells!

  3. Did you know that the reason the bells were first used was because the churches used to be so large that the people in the back could not see what the priest was doing. The bells were used so that even those who could not see (even those who were blind) would know when the most important event was taking place. Cool, huh?

    I always feel sad at a church that does not use them. "Announce Our Lord's presence!" I think. ;-)

  4. I wish our "trainer" would instruct the altar servers to chime the bells at time, but they only do at the elevation of the Host and the Precious Blood. Oh, well. I love the sound of bells.

  5. When we lived in SC the parish didn't use the bells. I really missed that! The parish I now attend uses them, though. There's something so holy and attention grabbing about them.

  6. I take the bells over the huge new screens they put up in my church.

    I grew up with bells!

  7. I love the bells too! We use them at our church, and on Holy Thursday they are rung for a full minute (or two) before the Gloria - such a beautiful part of the Mass!

  8. I miss the bells! Our new parish does not use them. Like Barbara, it makes me sad.

  9. I was thinking the same exact thing last night at Mass as I looked up and saw Luke was the Altar Boy up there ringing the bells!
    I actually got tears in my eyes as I looked from my son so reverently ringing the beautiful bells (he was chosen from 9 other servers last night to get to be bell ringer this time - he was so honored!) to Our Lord so reverently elevated for a long time by our wonderful priest.
    Just think - The God of the Universe coming down into the consecrated hands of His faithful servant on Earth for a sinner like me to be nourished. Just amazes and humbles me at every Mass!

  10. This morning, Jedi, served and after a year of serving has never rang the bells, but today, he was able to ring the bells!!! As he did it, also so very reverently, I looked at Jesus in the raised Host and tears filled my eyes, as I prayed for Jesus to pour His Graces onto him.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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