Thursday, August 19, 2010

Our Baby Ape Crawl

None of our kiddos have crawled like this before, it's hilarious to watch!

(sorry about my obnoxious voice)

She doesn't like to put her knees on the floor!


  1. That's too cute! I don't think I've ever seen a baby crawl like that either. Precious.

  2. That is so sweet. It is fun to see this live and be able to share with everyone. You are so techy!!

    She is so cute. Fun to see the big siblings running around too.

    loved to hear your voice.

  3. We call it the bear crawl! And Alex did it too! (Until she walked!)

  4. Cute as she can be Jamie Jo and a very unique crawl. Great to hear your voice too.

  5. I've never seen that either, but it sure is cute!!!! What a dolly!!!

  6. That is just fun to watch your baby girl crawl. It's like on the Disney's Tarzan movie. You should watch that with her! Her smile just melts my heart!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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