Monday, August 9, 2010

Our Vacation-Day 1 and Day 2

Ok, I'll start with our beautiful view from our cabin, we were up on a hill, overlooking the beautiful Lake Plantagenet.
After traveling a few hours, and seeing quite funny things on the way, like these "pig races" sign!
I can only say, it's another world up north, that's for sure.

Like, how would you like to be from Nimrod, Minnesota?
Or another town we saw, "Nary"?
(where probably no one has all their teeth)

Check in time at our resort was 3pm, we arrived around 4pm on Saturday. We quickly unloaded our stuff into our cabin, looked around and off we were to get groceries for the week at the local Super-Wal-mart.
Our cabin, #8, was called "The Loon's Nest". I loved, absolutely loved the kitchen table. The size was perfect for a bigger family!

The beds were also made from logs, there are pictures on the website.

We swam in the pool!
Well...except Sweetie Pie, they did not allow babies or anyone who wears diapers in their pool.
Poor Sweetie Pie.....I was very disappointed she couldn't swim.

Boat ride time!

Look at Sweetie Pie!
Can this thing really save her?
She couldn't even move!
She's looking a little sea-sick here....well, I guess Mary Hannah is too-they're not though.
I decided to show our vacation by the days instead of all at once...hope that's ok?
We had a great time in Bemidji, MN but are so very happy to be home!
Home is always so good after vacation!
Church in another city, in another diocese is always interesting.
They didn't kneel the 2nd time, everyone stood (except us, I just can't say "Lord, I am not worthy" standing) and after receiving Communion, came back to their seats and stood until the end...never ever seen that before. I had to ask where the Tabernacle was and the usher directed me to a chapel in the back of church over to the side. So sad. So sad.
Again, it's so good to be home!


  1. Looks like a good time was had by all. Great photos Jamie Jo. Keep the good stuff coming.

  2. Did you go to the Pig Races? They are so much fun - the kids would have had a blast. They race, then they have a kid's activity, then a race, over and over. Kid's win all kinds of prizes and your face and stomach hurt from laughing at the races. Free fun it great! I have issues with Catholic churches not following the rubrics, too. Glad you had a fun vacation!

  3. I love that table too! Looks like a very cool cabin. My hubby makes me stay in a pop-up!!!

    Looks like you had a blast!

    Bummer about the church...bummer and like you said...very very sad.

  4. What a fun vacation and awesome place to stay! I can't wait to see more photos.

    You look beautiful (as always) with your girls...too sweet.

  5. How fun! Can't wait to see the rest!

  6. I found your blog again! I lost it for a time. I'm the other Mama who's had 5 cesareans. Cheers!

    Your vacation looks great! I love the idea of a cabin where a family could cook its own meals and get comfortable for awhile. Being near the water must be spectacular!

    Your kids are beautiful! Hello from Nebraska!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

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