Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Diamond!

My diamond fell out of my wedding ring this weekend!!
Thank God, it fell out on the counter, I heard it fall, so, we just need to pay to have it set back in.
$242 later, I will have my wedding ring back. Makes me sick to spend so much, but I feel naked without it. I feel so weird going into stores with my kiddos, I feel like people are wondering what my story is.
My story is that my ring means so much to me, it symbolizes my marriage covenant with God between Him and my husband and I.
It represents our circle of love that never ends.
For that price maybe I should just have bought a gold band. Wish I could be that simple.
Just a simple band.
When I walked into the jewelry store, I started to explain, "I have 5 kids and..." The salesperson interrupted me and said, "your ring takes a beating."
Yes, it does.


  1. I read the first sentene and immediately checked my ring to make sure the diamond is still there. it is. And how fortunate you were that you heard it fall and found it. It is such a dear symbol !

  2. My husband got me a plain gold band for our eighth wedding anniversary for around $100. My diamond kept getting caught on things and getting in the way of life with three (at the time) kids. I love my plain band for everyday and camping and getting dirty and I love taking my diamond out for Sunday Mass and date night and other special occasions.

  3. Great idea Michelle, might have to talk to hubby about that one!!

    One time when I was pregnant, I think with the first, I got a gold band because I'd outgrown my ring!!

    That ring ended up breaking I think....or I lost it?

  4. It was worth it girl. The ring is something that should last the marriage and sometimes repairs are needed.

  5. Jamie,
    You were so fortunate to find the diamond!
    Can you imagine how I felt when I realized I LOST my wedding set AND the anniversary ring??? Literally, physically sick. I had that set for 20 years...
    I had hurt my wrist, had to take the rings off due to swelling, getting x-rays, splinting the wrist, filling an Rx........ hours later at home - realizing the rings were gone. Yup, physically sick. Phone calls, and searching high and low for days, praying to St. Anthony, we found nothing.

    We bought a replacement set... it really is beautiful, similar to the original and I always get compliments on it, but it is just not the same.

    So now I, like Michelle, have a plain band for around the house and every day things, and wear my diamonds for special occasions.

    Its been 9 years, and I still miss my 'real' wedding set and anniversary ring.

  6. Oh, my gosh Lori, I feel for you and totally understand!

    I didn't mention this is the 2nd time this has happened. First time not so lucky!

    The first time I lost the diamond was within our first year of marriage and I lost it cleaning at the preschool I worked at at the end of the year (hard cleaning with lots of bleach)

    The jewelry shop covered it though, thank God, but not the same diamond a new one. At first it wasn't the same....

    I think the gold band is the best solution, wow!

  7. Glad you can get it fixed.
    Mine is "retired" and worn only to functions etc. Which is why I got the HI band made of silver and platinum recently. I was afraid the diamonds might fall out of my blessed wedding ring . . . and rather than just wear the gold band, I went for something fun that matches my necklace/earrings (silver). But, that's what makes the wedding band so precious: it's blessed.

  8. I would love just a band too. I like simple.

    My ring has scratched my girl and left a scar

    My ring has snagged so many things!

    Sorry about this big expense.

  9. Whoa! That was such a story. You’re right, Jamie. Your diamond wedding ring is not only an indication that you’re married. It also has honest promises and sanctity engraved in it – and that’s what makes it more precious than any other ring. Luckily, you heard it fall. Others weren’t so lucky!

    - Bridget Rossi


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