Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

First of all and always I'm so very thankful for my faith and family.
I'm so thankful for all the veterans that have so bravely served and protected all of us.
This Sunday, our parish prayed a special prayer for veterans at the end of Mass, and there happened to be a man there dressed in his "army clothes" with his wife, 2 daughters and baby son.
I kept tearing up during Mass wondering if he was ready to leave, if he had just come home or if he was off to something special for Veteran's day. Then, at the end of Mass we sang "God Bless America" Oh, the tears flowed then.
Thinking of the hardships not only he has endured for us, but the hardships his whole family has endured for all of us.
Thankful to find a new crockpot recipe that my whole family loved!

Thankful for a very curious and active little baby....I guess she's now considered a toddler, no, I didn't say that, she's my baby.
A baby that walks and climbs and gets into everything!
Thankful that I've started another project for our home.
More painting.
I love to paint and change things.
In order to paint the entry and stairway, I wanted to take off the wood edging, that was above that first layer of blue and then take off the wallpaper border that the other people had painted over. What have I gotten myself into? When I took off the wood border, it ripped the sheet rock. Now, I'll need to patch, patch, patch....hoping it all looks good when it's done.
I'm going with a lighter, brighter blue.
Thankful for another year of memories of trying to get the perfect Christmas card picture.
I said trying.
Still haven't gotten the perfect one!
Thankful we live in the day and age where we can take a picture one day and get Christmas card pictures within a few days of that. (if not one hour)
Thankful for the date my husband and I got to go on last night.
I'd had a gift certificate for a Catholic gift shop from last December and we had to use it up.
My good friend Sarah gave me a $100 gift card for there for my 40th b-day/Christmas/Anniversary and we finally went and picked
this print for our living room.
I love paintings that have a story, so many meanings to talk and discuss with the kiddos.
Our next painting we want to get is the Calming of the Storm.

(Those are not the prices we paid, just wanted you to be able to see the prints!)
Thankful for the unseasonable warm weather we have been having in Mn lately.
It's been in the 60's!
Thankful for the picnic we had yesterday, here in MN on November 10th!!
(outside with no jackets!)


  1. Great post today Jamie and love the new picture of your children. I went over and collected the recipe and will be trying it this weekend.
    As a footnote: The song "He's been faithful" was acutally written by Carol Cymbala, wife of the pastor Jim Cymbala at Brooklyn Tabernacle. She went through a period of time when one of her children was on drugs and she was diagnosed with cancer and when it was all upon her she wrote that song giving Him glory. When I used to do rest home ministry my middle daughter Karen would come and sing. That would be her last one as it took so much out of her being such a powerful song. That's another reason it will always be special to me. Just wanted to share that with you.

  2. Thank you for your Veterans post! Praise God for all of your thankful things...

  3. I am THANKFUL FOR YOU!!! I think of you everyday and so thankful for blogging so we can some what talk to each other.

    We always set a timer. Once I remember my mom took the pics and she was so goofy that the kids all had these goofy smiles.

    So when you look at our pic...with the WHOLE FAMILY!!!! it was with a timer. Sorry I do like the whole family....but I will take kids cause I like getting anything. I LOVE CHRISTMAS CARDS!

    I think the pic at the top should be your Christmas pic!

  4. Can't do the timer thing, where would we put the camera? In the grass? We don't have one of those fancy cameras like you have Christine!!! :)

    Good idea though!

  5. That picture looked perfect for a Christmas Card!

  6. Thats ok about the timer thing. Just the kiddos is also just fine.

    all the kids are sleeping.

    I am hiding upstairs because Brian is cutting up deer meat and I do not want too!!!!

  7. free eggs!!!! I would give you eggs you silly!

  8. Loved your picture you picked out at Archangel!!! Just a little surprised that you hadn't spent it yet ;)
    I really love the Calming the Storm picture as well. Makes me want to order a picture for our house as well - it's been a long time!
    Good luck on the painting - it will look beautiful when you are all done. You are so amazing with all your painting!
    Loved your header - I agree it should be your Christmas pic! I still really love your old one at Munsinger Gardens. Beautiful!
    Love to you all!
    PS Christine, I almost gagged reading your comment - that's what raw meat will do to a newly pregnant momma! :)


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