Monday, November 15, 2010

You Know Winter Has Arrived When...

The beautiful pink orange sunsets can be seen through the trees...

The land is covered in a blanket of white...

Kiddos are very excited to go outside....

and come back in very, very wet...

And the final proof that winter has arrived.


  1. SO wet but so much fun.
    It was so nice I even took Ava out for a little snow time.

    It just feels like Christmas!

  2. We don't ever get any until Jan or Feb and then only a dusting usually. Folks down here really don't know how to drive in it and there are wrecks everywhere. Don't want to see any personally.

  3. Baby it's cold outside!!!!

    Ugh. I don't like the wet stuff, but snow sure is beautiful.


  4. We had some snow here already,too. But it didn't last past noon. I'm all set for the snow here, though. I never got our boots and snowsuits put away from last winter. :P

  5. Did you take that sunset photo? WOW!



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