Monday, February 28, 2011

From Webelo to Boy Scout!

Jedi got to carry the flag for the flag ceremony.
Showing his Arrow of Light!
During the ceremony, the Webelos had to tie their kerchiefs around their eyes
and then the Boy Scouts led them to their parents and then they took their Webelo kerchiefs.
Then they boys crossed over this wood bridge thingy
and became Boy Scouts.

It was a fun night, he felt pretty special.
And he is.


  1. Congrats to Jedi! How nice to see a pic of you with your hubby & Jedi. Pink is a great color for you, Jamie.

  2. Congratulations to Jedi!! A very special night.

    Make sure he enjoys every Boy Scout undertaking, because it may not seem like it now, but he will be having his Eagle Court of Honor before you know it!

  3. Congratulation !!!Good Job and Nice your family . Very nice looking and fantastic your recently post i like that . great idea

  4. Tell Jedi that Odie said "Well Done" and congratulations. That was a great picture of you three & as Suzie said pink is a great color for you girl. Looking great.
    Have a marvelous tuesday.

  5. Congrats! Job well done Jedi!
    Proud Proud Parents!!!!!!

  6. Congratulations to Jedi! The Arrow of Light is an AWESOME ceremony. My husband & kids attended one this past weekend, too!

  7. Congratulations to Jedi! Is he excited about becoming a boy scout? My son hasn't yet crossed over but will soon. Boy Scouts is more daunting to him because the majority of the boys in the troop are closer to the ages of 15-17. he willc ross over with 5 of his friends which is good but that's a big age difference.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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