Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful for kiddos who love hot cocoa on coooooooold days.....
who will be coming in soon for some...
for those cute heart marshmallows for the month of February....

Although, it is so very cold outside,
and it is starting to get to me,
so very thankful for the hope of Spring, yes, I said Spring, because of
the bench on my porch that waits for
to sit with my morning coffee
and hear the birds sing
and watch the flowers and
green grass...
for all the flowers and plants that are covered with a blanket (a very thick blanket) of snow,
just waiting for Spring to come so they can peek out again...
for buds in their dormant state, waiting to burst forth with blooms....
Thankful for a furnace that works,
for warm winter coats, hats and mittens,
for clothes and a roof over our heads.
Thankful for the change of seasons.
Thankful the kiddos are outside right now sledding.
(for more reasons than one)
fresh air,
time for me to post this...
Thankful for a God Who loves us so much
He gives us these changes in seasons
this hope for new life,
the yearning for
something better.
(in more ways than one)


  1. We all have soooooo much to be thankful for.

  2. Yearning for green grass also. is only Feb. and still many months to go yet. It can still snow on my birthday in April! does eventually get warm.

    Glad to hear all the kiddos are doing better.


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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