Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Thankful for girls who love to wear bandannas.
They are always just the cutest thing
and always bring me back to my own childhood playing.
Thankful for a baby who is constantly getting into things,
and climbing onto things.
It is a hard stage (for the mama) but it's exciting to see her explore and grow!
(Above: After noticing she wasn't dancing with her sisters in her bandanna anymore, a quick search lead us to a closed office door with the light on.....This is what I found!
The computer had been clicked on so many things, it read
"too many items, your program will not allow any more additions"
The picture on the screen is from a Christmas picture file, there were at least 20 screens of this.
Thankful kiddos are finally healthy again with only a couple night coughers left.
Thankful I did not get sick.
Thankful for a friend who just had her 5th baby girl!
Thankful for a friend who adopted her 2nd child, a boy!
Thankful my friend Sarah's ultrasound showed a healthy baby!

Thankful for snowmen small enough to bring into the house!
Thankful for the weather in MN is warming up to the 30's by the weekend!
Thankful there are only 45 days til our trip to Mexico and
Thankful for generous, unselfish in-laws for giving such a gift to us!
Thankful Thursday
A time to remember to be thankful
A pause in the week
for praise, thanksgiving and thinking positively
in addition to the normal daily praise
we need to give to God.


  1. What a great thing to pause during the busy week and remember all that you are grateful for! Good list!

    I was going to reply to your last post about the comment you got at the dr. office. I can obviously relate. But I just didn't have the time ... In my opinion, it is so important for those of us with larger families to show the JOY and BLESSING of it in public. Even during those difficult scenarios. Kids will be kids, after all ... But it can be exhausting to be "on" all the time. So, it is nice that you can share the frustration with like-minded people, gain the strength you need, and then do it all over again at the next dr. appt. or errand. God bless you, Jamie! For loving your children and being so proud of ALL of them!

  2. A much needed pause Jamie. Great post my friend. Have a great rest of the week.

  3. I'm so putting a bandanna on Analee's head. How cute!

  4. I am THANKFUL also to those "friends" who are blessed with new babes to love. I know all of them and if you see them tell them CONGRATS from me. I miss all the ladies at book club and YOU TOO.

    Look at that baby getting into stuff. YIKES!!! Mine is still only crawling.

    I love that little snowman. Very creative kiddos.

    I am also hoping for warm weather this weekend. I have to go out into the cold everyday with baby...SO COLD!

    thankful for you.


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