Monday, March 7, 2011

One Thousand Gifts--My Thoughts So Far

I got this book (below) in the mail Friday.
I'd been wanting it since I saw it many months ago on someone else's blog.
I think I actually saw something on this person's blog that had listed their
one thousand gifts. I liked it.
I tried to link up, but it didn't work.
That's when I decided to just start up my Thankful Thursday posts.
I found it even better.
No linking up
Just simple thanksgiving every week.
We all need a little gratitude in our lives.
When I finally decided to get it,
the book was only like
10 bucks, so I ordered it.
I love it.
It is written by Ann Voskamp, who is not a Catholic.
So her writing is from a Protestant point of view.
I have a really good friend who is Protestant.
She is one of my closest friends.
Although there are some things that we differ on when it comes to our faith,
there are far more that we share and have in common.
If we dwell on the differences, which come up once in a while,
then, well, our friendship won't work.
But, if we concentrate on our similarities,
well, then, we have so much to give each other.
The above picture is what we, as Catholics, believe about the Eucharist.
It is central to our faith.
I yearn to receive Him daily.
I yearn to spend time with Him, our Eucharistic Lord, in Adoration.
I, SO want to share this with our Protestant friends,
this yearning in my heart,
that only He can put there.
Immediately, after receiving our Lord in Holy Eucharist,
I have a multitude of "Thank You's" in my heart, I can't even
concentrate on the Communion music, I have to get those "Thank You's" out.
Now, I guess this book has some controversy surrounding it.
I was unaware of any controversy before purchasing it.
I have only read 2 chapters so far.
Not because I don't like the book,
I have a hard time putting it down
But, having 5 children,
I must at times.
(put it down)
So far, though,
I really am loving this book.
She uses the term "Eucharisteo"
and it's meaning, it's literal meaning.
Reading this, I am even more in love with our Eucharistic Lord
It has brought even more meaning to me, as a Catholic.
Her Protestant words, have brought me closer to my Catholic faith.
It has me wondering if she will ever feel the fullness in complete?
The fullness I feel about my Catholic faith when reading her words.
For what it's worth,
those are my thoughts so far.


  1. Jamie Jo I wish everyone I know could read your blog and feel the intense love you have for your faith that could possibly influence others that are close but have not made that decision yet to give God all of us and desire more of Him every day. You inspire me my friend.

  2. Wow Wondering your gift and perfect your thought . really interesting this post and i like it. thanks for nice posting

  3. I read the book and LOVED it...I'm not sure what the controversy is? I'll have to look into that more. But, what I thought when I read it is, if only she was Catholic she could REALLY experience this! :-) When reading her book, you can just layer your knowledge of the sacraments over what she is saying and it is wonderful! That being said, now I'm nervous about the controversy??

  4. Jocelyn, I highlighted the words "some controversy" in the post, if you click on that link, you can read in her comments the controversy. I found it interesting....

    I agree with you about how it made me feel.

  5. Ahhh...I see, I didn't read the comments, so I wasn't sure why she decided not to. I'm not sure how far along you are now, but I now understand their concerns about the last chapter. Have you ever heard of "Theosis?" It is Eastern Catholic (and Orthodox) theology about our relationship with God. The book, obviously without her knowing it, is the best description of Theosis that I have ever read. But, I struggled with the concept a lot. Its a much longer topic than a quick comment allows, but now I understand their concerns, but in right understanding, I think it just builds the book up more!

  6. Jocelyn, I'm only in the 3rd, I'm hoping that by the time I get to the last chapter, I will understand where she's coming from.

    I will have to pray to the Holy Spirit for sure!!

  7. "Immediately, after receiving our Lord in Holy Eucharist,
    I have a multitude of "Thank You's" in my heart, I can't even
    concentrate on the Communion music, I have to get those "Thank You's" out."

    Your thanks yous are much more important than Communion music (and the reason why I wish the organist and choir would just hush during Communion).


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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