Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

This will be my last post for a while
because this is where we'll be!
Thankful for wonderful in-laws and their generous gift
of a wonderful vacation for all of us!
the special memories we will make with them and
my husband's brother's family.
(click on the picture, it's even better-bigger!)
Thankful for bright blue skies and sunshine....
Thankful for melting snow...

Thankful for cute little toesies
waiting to be painted

Thankful for mud boots and girls who love to get right in it!
Thankful for warmish weather we had this past weekend
Thankful for babies content to watch the mud playing kids in a chair with pretzels

Thankful for the Dot game we always play during swim lessons.
for full suitcases.
for Nerf guns that shoot 18 nerfs at a time.
for girls who sing everywhere, all the time.
for girls who come in bed with me when they have nightmares and play with my hair and snuggle.
for snow peas, my "free" snack.
for my sweet husband who loaded a "workout" section onto his
i-pod and lets me use it on the treadmill!
"I like to move-it move-it!"
(he also sneaked some love songs on there just for me)
for pancakes on Thursdays, chocolate chip today.
for the baked oatmeal in our fridge my husband and I eat every morning for breakfast.
for International Foods French Vanilla coffee.
for Spaghetti sauce frozen in the freezer, you are a life saver tonight!
for faithful readers, you are all in my thoughts and prayers, more than you know!
God bless you all
Have a wonderful week!
Thankful Thursdays
A time to remember to be thankful
A pause in the week for praise,
thanksgiving and thinking postively
in addition to the normal daily praise
we need to give God.


  1. I am so excited that you are going to Mexico and hope it is as wonderful for you as it was for Linda & I. Don't worry about us, we'll be right here waiting for you to get back and post some great pictures. Soak in the warmth and enjoy while you can. you will be missed Jamie.

  2. Jamie Jo,
    Praying for your safe and RELAXING Mexican vacation!!!

    Soak up some sunshine and warm temps for all us Minnesnowtans, will ya? :-)

    God bless you and your family, 'see' you when you get back.


  3. I hope you have a great vacation. You and Tom both work very hard and deserve a little R and R.

    Little sweetie pie does look so cute watching her sibs.

    NO MORE SNOW PICS!!! oh sorry just getting a little sick of it. Even this hard-core Minnesotan girl wants it gone gone gone.

    I wanna get together after your vacation to hear all about it!

    Praying for a fun time and safe return.

  4. Happy Feast of the Annuncation!! Celebrate and enjoy your wonderful trip to Mexico! Eva asked if we could come and play at your house before you left tomorrow :)
    Prayers for a safe, fun and relaxing time. What wonderful memories!! Can't wait to see the pictures and hear all about it.
    Bring some of that warm sun back to melt the nasty 10+ inches we got here in Fargo. I'm with Christine - I'm sick of snow!! (too bad that means major flooding AGAIN for that to happen!!)
    Take care and let the Angels be with you!!

  5. Your husband is so sweet!

    Can I have your baked oatmeal recipe.

    Bon Voyage!

  6. Oh, yeah. Eat some spicy stuff for me please. ;)

  7. Hope you have a wonderful family vacation! Those memories are precious. Remember to take lots of pix and don't get sun-burned!

    God bless!

  8. Hi Jamie Jo, I hope you had a wonderful vacation in your warm weather destination. It looks beautiful!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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