Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Jesus Christ has risen from the dead for me!! (well, for all of us)

Thankful that I was able to get my pictures off my chip from my water logged camera!

(Above) Here we are waiting for daddy to park the van, at the airport!

(it's about 20 some degrees)

The time is about 3:30am

We left our home at 2am
The only thing forgotten is Jedi's glasses.
He's not used to getting up and rushing off to the airport!
We figured it was better to forget them at home rather than in Mexico!

Can you feel how heavy these backpacks were?

We are all nervous, excited and cold!

Look, there's the pink camera case that didn't hold my camera in,

the one that lost my camera in the ocean!

My first picture when we got to the resort.

There were these birds flying above us all the time!

(hopefully you can click on these pictures to see them better)

See? Pool by the ocean. My preference.

The first blue is the pool, the 2nd blue is the ocean!

One pooped out, curly haired baby!

Not a great picture of my hubby, but this is our outside dinner!

I love eating outside, it was so warm and nice to be in the fresh air!

The Great Blue Heron that visited our back swamp every day!

Our swamp, where we saw the crocodile and many other beautiful birds!

Jedi, loving the views.

It was so nice and peaceful, we really didn't mind the swamp view.

These 2 pictures are a couple of my favorites...

Oh, I could just stare at these pictures all day....

Mary Hannah's first time in the great big ocean!

All we need is a puppy behind her!!

She was so cute on the beach....wish my camera didn't fall when it did....

I would have gotten so many more of her.

She only went to the ocean this one time, she hated the ocean.

It was too big and loud and scary for her!

She's a pool girl!

You can see Tom and the kiddos in the background.

(Tom is taking off his shirt!)

(might have to click on the picture)

Run! Run!

"I command you to stop, you waves, you!"

This picture must be shown,

because it is the last picture I took before my camera fell

into the ocean for the literally, 2 seconds it was in.

So very thankful I was able to retrieve these beautiful photos.

Both Ballerina Rosie and myself are constantly thinking up ways we could go back there....

Mary Hannah doesn't understand why we can't just move there!

Colette wants to work there when she grows up.

Such good memories and such a beautiful world God has made for us.

For other Mexico pictures if you are interested:

Click on Mexico


  1. Wonderful today Jamie Jo and the pictures were AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. So good.

  2. Wow you changed the header just for little ol me. You are so sweet. It really is a gorgious picture with such happy smiles. Thank you and have an awesome friday.

  3. Pool by the it! That would be ideal. SO gorgeous.
    Love the pics of your five kids. Always so cute.

  4. my computer is so messed up by that virus. Left a long commment and cannot post it.

    will try and try

  5. it worked!!

    loved the pics of babes on the beach.

    no dishes
    no laundry
    no cook'en

    my kind of vacation!

  6. Trying to soak up some warmth through your photos. I can almost feel it! Maybe today spring will come to stay?


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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