Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday Tea Talk

It's Tuesday again and you are welcome for Tea Talk! I'll ask 4 or 5 random questions each week and answer them myself and you are welcome to answer in the comments or on your blog, just remember to let me know so we can go see!

  1. Where do you like to go to have fun?

I love going to parks with my kiddos. We go to different parks all summer long. I know just about every park in our town and surrounding areas and if the parks are any good or not. I love the fresh air and I love watching them run around having fun making up games. I love to picnic or bring a snack to prolong our stay.

2. What songs always make you happy?

I have to say my workout songs! They have to be upbeat and be something to dance to. Should I list some?

Girls just want to have fun

We Belong

Hit me with your best shot

The way it is (Bruce Hornsby & the Range)

Summer of 69

Still haven't found what I'm looking for (U2)

Everybody wants to rule the world

Jesse's Girl

Authority Song (John Mellencamp)

OK, you get it now....I'm liking those 80's songs....but I also love Escape (Enrique) and quite a few of those Lady Gaga songs, they have great beats for walking! OK, this question got way too long....sorry about that.

3. What is the first thing you notice when meeting someone for the first time?

(keep it clean folks!)

I have to say their smile and eyes.

The way they say "hi" tells me if they are friendly or personable or not.

4. What was your favorite sitcom growing up?

Hmmmm, I guess Little House on the Prairie is not a sitcom....so I'd have to say

The Facts of Life

Jo was my favorite character.

5. What is beauty? (a deep question)

True beauty to me is pure, virtuous people striving to be holy in all things and of course little children.


  1. 1. Lancaster, Pa. That is my favorite place to be and there is so much to see and do around the Amish.
    2. Happy songs that were popular between 1966 & 1967.
    3. I guess their expression and overall appearance.
    4. Hadn't been invented then.
    5. I am happily married but I still appreciate beauty when I see it. When I first started blogging I was searching for people to follow and happened onto Jamie Jo's page. Beauty is looking at her 5 children and at Jamie's wonderful smile. Then on top of that she is beautiful on the inside too sharing her love for God and her sweet family.

  2. I tried calling you today. I had to run into town to run some errands. Instead, I talked to my dad for a little while and now I have a headache. I swear my phone is going to give me a tumor. My head always hurts after I talk on it. Main reason I do not call people on my cell phone.

    True beauty is in the heart. In the way we serve others. True beauty is Blessed Mother Teresas face. I love looking at her face.

    I like any music that has a good beat...Christmas music is still my fav.

    My fav. place to go is away from people. Living in the country really has made me less tolerant of those around me. SO even camping I want a camp site with space.

    When I first meet someone I notice how much they talk about themselves vs. never asking about the other person.

    gotta get some mother's day cards done!

  3. Joining in today at my blog -

    What a nice idea!


  4. Hi Jamie! I joined you again at my place:

    Thanks for hosting again, I had a lovely visit.

  5. Hi Jamie~

    1. My answers are similar to yours, but I promise I'm not trying to copy you!

    For fun, I like taking the kids to the park. It's fun to watch them have fun.

    2. Country has become my favorite. I love the song, "Mr.Mom" (he calls his wife 'his hero' at the end of the song) and a few others I can't remember. I like country because it always tells a story, whether it be deep or amusing.

    3. The only thing I really notice about a person when I meet them is if they seemed to be at ease with me. If they come off stiff and awkward, I wonder if they're just shy or if I was being shy.

    4. Favorite shows was (and still is!) Little House on the Prairie. There's just something so GOOD about that show.
    I like to watch cooking shows, home improvement shows and those crazy cake shows, though there are too many of them now. I recently started watch "The Voice" and I'm hooked. It's better than I thought it would be.

    5. True beauty of course, is always on the inside. Me and my husband were just talking about this the other day. It was brought up that Hollywood people are always beautiful. But then we thought, no, some are beautiful and others are just glamorized.

    I've known some really "plain" people who have become so beautiful to me because of their beauty inside and vice versa.

    Quick story: one time one of the visionaries asked Our Lady (Medujugorje) why she was so beautiful, and she responded because "I love".

    For myself, that's all I need to know about beauty.

    See you next week!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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