Saturday, July 9, 2011

Governor Dayton's Shutdown

We received this flyer today:

It's Governor Dayton's shutdown.
And it's totally unnecessary.

Governor Dayton could have signed the Legislature's "lights on" bill, which would have continued state government funding at previous budget levels.

Instead, Governor Dayton chose to shut down state government and put more than 20,000 Minnesotans out of work.

If only Governor Dayton would call lawmakers back into session, we could put Minnesota back to work.

Call Governor Dayton Today at
Tell him to sign the Legislature's "lights on" bill.
Tell him to put thousands of Minnesotans back to work.

(This was prepared and paid for by Senate District 15 Republicans)

Please call and please pray!


  1. Even though I sadly moved out of Minnesota I am horrified by what Governor Dayton has done with this shutdown.

    Lots of prayers!

  2. Hi Jamie Jo,
    I am praying for you and your family! An AZ reader of your blog! I love your blog and your family is adorable! I have 1 boy (the oldest) and 3 girls so your family reminds me of mine. Everything will work out!! My husband and I were in this situation when we had our first two little babies. I ended up substitute teaching (even though I didn't want to leave my 3 month old) while he looked for jobs for a few months. I was always so stressed but in the end my husband ended up at the best possible place of employment because it was in God's hands. He even is working with open to speak about our Lord Christians! :) Remember, God has you in his palm of his hand. You might go through rough waters but God will never let go of you. I remember unemployment checks were low $ but every little bit helps. Can your husband apply for that or is MN too broke? Prayers for a job and comfort.
    Here is a song that came into my mind for you.

  3. Sorry I think this link should work.

  4. Thank you Lorie, that was beautiful!!

    (and nice "meeting" you!!)

    Thank you everyone for your prayers, I'm praying for all of you too, in thanksgiving.

  5. Calling and praying. Hope this all ends very very soon.

    We need a balanced budget! And people need their jobs!

  6. Called!!!

    (and still praying!)
    love and blessings~

  7. Praying for you. How can a governor shut down his government? Doesn't he work for the people of Minnesota?


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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