Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Thankful for Our Lady of  the Rosary, feast day Friday!
 I have a love for the rosary, it's gotta be my favorite prayer.
I love how I can pray it anytime, anywhere.
I can think about Jesus's life while my fingers move across the beads.
 We'll be making one of these Friday...
Too hot outside for a hot cocoa marshmallow rosary!
 Thankful for Christine and her hand me downs for Mary Hannah, she loves all of the clothes!
 Thankful for my good friend, Sarah and her family!
They stopped in on their way to the cities from Fargo.
 It was way too short, but so nice to see everyone!
There's someone for everyone to play with when we get together!
(above, my sweet goddaughter, Eva)
 I didn't get a picture of the baby...or sweet Sophia, who celebrates her birthday on 
The feast of the holy Rosary!
 Thankful for apple orchards...
 and babies who keep trying to pick up those pumpkins...

 Thankful for cuteness...
 and fall colors
 Thankful for babies on tables while we try to school...
 Even though we have a school room, we tend to gather around the table in the kitchen to work.....
 Thankful for the 2 oldest getting along enough this week to play Baseballopoly!

Thankful Thursdays
A time to remember to be thankful
A pause in the week for praise,
thanksgiving and thinking positively
in addition to the normal daily praise
we need to give God.

my doctor set a C-section date for me!!
January 3rd, at noon!


  1. Whoohoo! It must feel great to have the date now! I always breathe a sigh a contentment when I read your thankful postings. There is so much in this life we have to be grateful for, and I love how you spotlight them. Great pics!

  2. You and I will be having c-sections around the same time! I don't have a date set yet, but I'm sure it will be around that same date. We'll have to remember to pray for each other that day!

  3. Thanks Shelly! Yes, it feels great to have a date...there is an end!!
    (although, hubby wishes it would be a few days earlier for that extra tax deduction--but we do already have a few of those)

    Becky-Yes, let's pray for eachother, we should exchange numbers and call eachother sometime in those 4 days we'll be there together!! (wish it was the same hospital, wouldn't that be cool?)

  4. Beautiful post! I love that you are always thankful for cuteness! It IS one of those things that always help us through the day, how would we do it all if they weren't so darn cute?!?!?!? Hope you and your cuties have a great day!

  5. You are so welcome for the clothes. SO glad someone can use them!

    You do have a lot of cuteness in that house.

    Have a great weekend friend...and I am so looking forward to Jan. to give that sweet babe a kiss on that newborn cheek. Nothing like a newborn.

    Happy Feast of the Holy Rosary today!

  6. Thank you for your sweet comments!!! I love that you've been able to come by for a few always brighten my days.

    Mary Catherine and I have begun praying the Rosary in earnest since the beginning of the month. We started praying it together this past Lent, but as practices sometimes do...this good habit stopped b/c of the busyness of life...always such a shame. I can't even tell you how much calmer my parenting has become over these past few days...Our Lady is such a powerful force for us to tap into...the Mother of our Blessed Lord Jesus...and of us!!!

    Congrats on the c-section date...have you had one before? If so, then you know what to expect...if not, feel free to ask me any questions. I've had three.

    I just noticed your family pics at the bottom of your blog...have they always been there? Your family is so beautiful...and your daughter's First Holy Communion picture brought tears to my eyes!!!

    Take care, Jamie!!!


  7. Valerie, thank you so much, this will be my 6th you have any questions? haha!! Just kidding!

    At the 5th c-section, they use the emergency room surgery room, just in case and to scare us mamas...

    Kari, yes, we sometimes need to look away an laugh at the cuteness!

    Christine, you better be there to give kisses! haha!

  8. YAY! You have a date set to "meet" your newest blessing! You have so many blessings especially with those beautiful children of yours! I have to say Fall really is a beautiful time of year and you guys definitely get some beautiful colors out there. It has been a warm fall but I'm not complaining :) That is such a neat idea to make the rosary out of candy :) I'm going to have to try that with the

  9. Wow, you have Fall color. Not much here yet.

    LUV the pumpkin patch shots. Your children have expressive, beautiful eyes, like you!

    God bless you on your 6th c-section.

  10. The next time you talk to Sarah, tell her that her brother is doing no end of good for my sisters and their families. Seriously, they just LOVE him!

    How could they not? He is a great, great priest.

    Happy Sunday! I'm off to the zoo for a date with my hu'band--it closes in an hour but we don't care! A date is a date, no matter how small. :)

  11. Lovely to see you'd popped by to view my photos as per Odie's recommendation :)

    I take my hat off to you, homeschooling your children! That takes dedication. And plenty of patience and stamina. How wonderful for them that you are prepared to do this!

    I see your children all share the same beautiful blue colour of your eyes. Best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy. Again, I am amazed at your ability to homeschool with a new baby on the way.

  12. There you go again with these great thankful posts! I like babies on the tables...can't believe that phase has passed around here! Adore pumpkin patch photos and the blessings of friends are certainly thankful moments. The rosary is my favorite prayer AND weapon! (wink)


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