Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Flashpoint and Pumping

This is the new show my husband and I are enjoying through Netflix.
We haven't figured out what "Flashpoint" means but it always starts out at
the climax of the show, then, they go back to the beginning, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours.
Maybe that's the "Flashpoint", the climax of the show.
This is a show about cops, good cops, 
who are shown in a good light of always protecting and doing the best in 
very hard situations, no matter what is going on in their personal lives...
I like how they really develop the characters and they really 
do a good job of helping you to like the characters.

We had started watching Smallville  
but didn't even make it through one season,
we just thought it was dumb.

Some shows we've enjoyed in the past through Netflix:

(we are DVRing the new ones)
(I linked images on that one, just because, I kind of miss them)
(although, we quit on the last 2 seasons, it just got old)
(we're caught up on this one and DVR it now)
(we got tired of this one too)

 Sorry, I have no good movie reviews, as I just can't stay awake through a whole movie!!

I am getting creative with my pumping.
I moved the pump by the computer this past weekend and now can blog and read blogs while I pump
I can also correct all school papers while I pump in the evening, which is an answer to 
one of my worries, "How am I going to find time to correct?"
and I can pump in the living room in the afternoon and pray with Mother Angelica, 
I DVR'ed
Ooh, now I  know I can also watch it on Youtube!
(My visual mind must follow along!)
Multi-task, I must multi-task!

It's only taken me 7 weeks to figure it all out!

**I have to add that the first episode of Flashpoint is not that great, but the rest were great!**


  1. Looks like a good show. I liked Prison Break too. My husband got me onto Alcatraz (a current TV show). We liked the Merlin series on Netflix (from the UK and is still running).

    Multi-tasking... I'm still working on it too! I do nurse and go on the computer but I hate typing one handed so I end up looking more than talking.

  2. Flashpoint looks really interesting- enough action to interest my hubby and enough of a story line to interest me!

    You are truly the Queen of the Multitaskers- wow- you really are good! Don't forget not to multitask yourself out of rest and sleep, though!

  3. Ooo - good find on the youtube rosary - I'm saving that one. Never would have occurred to me.

    Knew you'd figure out a way to make it work! :)

  4. We "bloggy mama's" will do anything...even pump precious milk for our do bloggy time!!!I am like that too. I do crazy stuff to get my bloggy time in. I lub it. It somehow keeps me connected to you and other Catholic moms in this world so I do not go crazy.

    No movies here either. Brian is too busy trying to finish up some trim work to watch a show with me.

    Cold today..snuggle baby and keep warm!

  5. I'm so happy that things are finally falling into "place" for schooling/pumping/taking care of everyone! :)

    I've been praying all week for a good start.

    We've been on a streaming "kick" on Netflix for documentaries on eating healhty, etc.

    A REAL eye opener award winner was the one "Forks over Knives" (or is it Knives over Forks?)

    We had a family movie night last night and watched A Dolphin Tale. A true story and VERY good! There is even a live webcam of this famous dolphin.

    I really liked how they portrayed homeschooling in a very positive light!

    Love and prayers

  6. My days start so early that it all I can do to make it through Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune, by then it is 8 PM and I am getting sleepy and couldn't stay interested in anything.
    Glad you are learning to multitask & get more accomplished. Hope you are getting plenty of rest too.

  7. You need to teach lessons, because I couldn't do anything while pumping that involved my hands. Maybe because my boobs are too little that they would just slip off? Seriously, how do you do it? Prop them up?

    Oh, and you need to add Lost to your list if you haven't seen it already....

  8. hi, i came across your blog last week looking for a craft for the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (thanks by the way!) I am also a Catholic, homeschooling mother. With one less child then you ;) but that is a lot in common to start! I have read many more of your post since first finding your blog and I wanted you to know that I have felt called to pray for you and your family. your new baby has touched my heart, your commitment to your family, and to God is beautiful! i rable on over at GOd BLess!

  9. I hit 14 months of pumping today!

  10. I'll have to check out Flashpoint! We have been watching and enjoying the first two seasons of "White Collar" on Netflix. You might like it too.

  11. I have to warn you though, that the first episode is not that great, wouldn't make me want to watch again, but my husband had started before me and he loved the show, so I knew it had to get better, and it did, the rest have been great!

  12. We love Flashpoint and have watched it from the beginning! Closer is another one of my favorites and I still have a lot of catching up to do on Fringe:)
    Lol on the pumping!


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