Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday

 Thankful for the Divine Mercy of Jesus
Oh, how I need it.
This year the 3 oldest kiddos are praying the novena with me!
 Thankful our egg coloring this year went really good!
The kiddos are growing up so fast, they hardly need me
But seriously, I could totally picture them doing this in a few years 
and me? 
sitting on the porch catching a sunset....
 Thankful I saw Valerie's blog post just in time for us to make these beautiful 
child's crucifixes on Good Friday.
Thankful for fresh cut flowers--have I told you how much I love fresh cut flowers?
(roses are so over-rated!)
 Thankful for finding this adorable little sweater set on Etsy
Jennifer did such a wonderful job and it fits perfectly
(He's not strapped in yet, because once I strap him in, he starts crying and I wanted to get a picture!)
Thankful for girls who can now bake start to finish without mama!!
Which means, I'm thankful I let her do it.
(I have control issues) 
 Thankful those cookies were Gluten Free Monster Cookies!!!
 About sitting on that porch....Thankful Tom and I caught a sunset on the porch last night.
Thankful when we told the kids "just us" they only each came out once
to see what we were doing and what we were talking about.

Look at that could anyone not be thankful, even if your day was 

 Thankful for wonderful helpers who help so much with the baby!
 Thankful for creative girls
(notice the table is up on the chairs)
Thankful when the table fell, as I knew it would, they did not get hurt!
Thankful they only tried it one more time. (Before I got really mad!)
 Thankful this little fuss bucket was much better today
Thankful he's reaching for toys!!!
Yesterday he fussed all day.  Literally.
The front carrier does not work, on days like that, nothing works.
(that's when I beg for Divine Mercy!)
 Thankful for cute babies sucking on cute little fingers!!
Thankful for good friends (my friend Sarah in Fargo) getting me back on
Weight Watchers!!  I started today!
(We are just doing it on our own--we know the diet well!)

God bless you all,
Many blessings wished full of God's Divine Mercy!


  1. You are so funny. I enjoy reading your blog so much!

  2. I always have a great feeling after reading your blog. I'm so glad you and your hubs got to enjoy that sunset- there's nothing like it for allowing the peace to come in and be grateful for everything.

    Such a beautiful, blessed family!

  3. I love this whole post! That is a beautiful sunset and I loved the part with the table on chairs. :) I also wanted to say that I'm happy for you for starting back on Weight Watchers! You asked me how I was losing weight and it has been with WW (although I have been horrible lately...especially with all the yummy Easter goodies we still have around here! If mama doesn't finish the potato salad, who will?! :) )

  4. I had the same thought this year--that Easter egg coloring isn't near as painful as it used to be. Thank goodness!

  5. I know what you mean about the sunset...God's glory always brings me to my knees. It's like that breath of fresh air, just when you need it. Thankful to be praying the Divine Mercy novena with so many friends all across the nation. Best of luck with WW...It feels good just to have a plan sometimes, doesn't it? It took my getting my front teeth knocked out to lose weight*wink*

  6. I love reading your thankful posts. Reminds me to stop and enjoy all the little things.

  7. You and my Aunt Katie are so much alike in that after I visit either of you I feel so much better. Blessing to you and your sweet family. Loved all the great pictures.

  8. I loved reading each of the things/people you are thankful for!! I really helps so much when we stop and make intentional note of the things we should be thankful for. I used to do this on my blog once in a while and it's been too long since i've done it. The smallest things we can be thankful for, and it turns our whole day around when we have that kind of outlook! I love S's new sweater outfit -- made with love for sure. I had to laugh at the table on the chairs, and how you struck out the getting mad part. haha. that's totally what goes on in our house. I love those handmade crucifixes -- truly creative. and my husband and I definitely need to start appreciating those sunsets! darling photo of your cookie baker!

  9. What perfect and yummy looking cookies! I really should let my oldest try but, well, it's a control thing. Yup, I've got that too :) I need to work on that more.

    Sunset on the wonderful! I had to laugh at your kids coming to see what you were talking about and checking up on you. That's exactly what happens here too.

    Glad that Simeon had a better day. Those fussy days are tough on them and us. Grateful too for Divine Mercy!

    Good luck with Weight Watchers!

  10. Your baby is so cute. He doesnt look fussy at all...hee hee..just giving your grief. It is hard when baby wants all the attention and there are a zillion things to do.
    I am stressed out trying to get everything done and the dog and toddler are driving me crazy.

    I love those cookies! She is a great helper.

    The table thing is great. Your kids look like they are having a good time.

    Sunrises and sunsets are a must to see. Makes it even better with the one you love.
    So glad you have Tom. AND just time for you two. Keep that up as much as possible. It will help. I get crabby when I do not get Brian and me time.

    love your Thankful Thurs.
    I am thankful you listen to my heart.

  11. What a great crucifix craft! I'll have to remember that for next year. Isn't it wonderful when the kids get old enough to help out, or just do things on their own without your constant help. I'm so very thankful for my oldest four. Especially now that I have 2 teenagers. I'm a big sunset person, too. Actually, I've been getting more and more into the sunrises as well. I've been able to get out of the house a few times this week just as the sun was rising to do my walk/jogs. It is SO uplifting. Truly, one of those God-holding-your-hand moments.

  12. p.s. Good job starting up the WW and food journal. It helps so much to just keep track of what your putting in your mouth. I've been using a app on my iTouch for tracking what I'm eating. It keeps me honest. :)

  13. Great photos and reminder to be thankful. Excited for Divine Mercy Sunday...God bless you all.

  14. And I'm so thankful for YOU!!

    So glad Simeon is over his fussies :) and for beautiful kids (for us all to be rejoicing in the good things, and praying about the not-so-good!)

    So proud of you starting WW!! We can do all things through Him! (and carefully counting :)

    Love you! Noelle wants the Monster Cookie recipe. Yummy!!

  15. I feel your pain- my second kid was a major fuss bucket for the first three months of life. If I wasn't nursing her or walking her... she was fussing. I hope it ends for you soon!

  16. I love your Thankful Thursday posts because they remind me to be thankful for the little things, too. God Bless you and your special family.

    I am trying to get a package out to you and the kids this week. The letters all of the kids wrote included.

    Happy Divine Mercy Sunday!


  17. Jamie Jo, re your comment on my blog, I've not thought that Rosie could be the name of Flower's guardian angel, but what a lovely thought!! I'll enjoy talking with Flower about that!! oh, how wonderful. thanks for the insight!! I have a dear friend who named her guardian angel, and when her husband died, she asked him if she could have her husband's guardian angel (because, she told me, one doesn't need their guardian angel once they get to heaven.) her husband had also named his guardian angel. She says she now has two guardian angels. (her husband's angel is a man, hers is a woman.) Also, are you praying a novena before S's surgery? I've got the rosary for him on my calendar on his surgery day, but just wondering about a novena -- I'll join in if you are doing one.

  18. Charlotte is also cooking start to finish and so proud~ I love it:) and congratulations on starting WW I hope that all goes well. Oh and p.s. I miss you :)


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