Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Quick Check in.....

 Summer has started here, it's full of piggy tails
 child made garden salads...
 painted toes and fingers...
 Baby love....
and potty training!!!

Tom is gone to Canada fishing with the 2 oldest kiddos,
I have the 4 littlest...
I have no time to read your wonderful blogs,
 I'm so sorry
I also have no time to post on my blog,
this little check in!
I'm not ignoring you, it's just that, well....
Life has taken over!!


  1. Thanks for the little update. Just wanted to let you know that the girls' letters arrived yesterday. They will write back soon. Hope the kids and Tom are having fun in our country and that they don't get eaten alive by the blackflies or mosquitoes. God Bless and we understand. Your beautiful kiddos always come first. Enjoy your summer, the pigtails, cute toes and all that jazz.

  2. I know life gets busy at times and we understand. Great to see your pictures today. Take care and come back when you can.

  3. those garden salads are such a creative idea!! we'll have to "make" those at our house. enjoy the summer and all your children!!

  4. Glad to hear about how things are going with you! You are one busy mama with some beautiful kids. Don't forget to take care of Jamie, though!

  5. Life is great when there is a TAKE OVER! Busy can be good..especially making salads, painting toes, POTTY TRAINING! Hope that will be successful.

    Hope Tom and kiddos have a good and safe trip.

  6. Oh, I SOOOOO relate!! Just a quick hi to you, Jamie, and then I'm off again! Enjoy your summer--we sure are! :)

  7. So fun to see you last Friday! Yep, when life happens, it's best to just live it. You're in prayer this week. Hope the oldest 'little' is a big help to you this week.

  8. Keep an eye on your in-box; I'm sending you a photo to make you smile.

    (Hint: We missed you at the conference!)

  9. Potty training during the summer is the ONLY time to potty train!

    Hi baby! Hi curly girlie!

  10. Oh my goodness! Simeon looks amazing! My kids were so happy to see his pictures, since we prayed the novena and remember him in prayer every night. So happy for you that he is doing so well. :)

  11. Great to hear from you! So glad you checked in. And don't worry, we're not going anywhere so we'll be here no matter how often you blog.

  12. and what a wonderful life!

    Love all the pictures!

  13. We are potty training too! :) What fun! Hope it is going well at your house.

  14. Oh, we understand, Jamie. At least I do. :)

    Enjoy that beautiful family of yours. We'll be here when you come back.

  15. The baby is healing beautifully. He looks fantastic. His eyes are as bright as ever.

  16. Hi Jamie~Popping over to say hello and hope you are doing well. All of your sweeties are cute as ever and littlest man has healed so well, praise God! Have a blessed summer:)


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

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