Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

 Thankful I finally got time to  unload my pictures from July!
Thankful, I guess, that I finally joined Facebook,
 I think I'm the last person to finally join
I have no idea what I'm doing
and have mixed emotions about the whole thing.
I only joined because my 25 year (gasp!) class reunion is coming up
I want to see pictures of everyone!
They will be posting pictures on idea how to see those pictures
when they get there....but knew I had to join to see them.
Now every day, I have people suggesting friends, wanting to be friends,
friending me...well, it should be called "Friendbook"!
Some people I know, some people, I've never heard of
how does that happen?
I think I have enough things that take me away from God,
so I don't really need another thing
 Thankful, this sweet little guy, and his sweet little toesies,
always brings me back to God
In the middle of the night, when all is quiet, I hold him,
and cry tears of joy. 
Pure joy, that God would entrust this sweet baby to me.
Tears of sadness too, that he will endure so many surgeries in his young life.
 Thankful for shoes on the wrong feet
Thankful for painted toesies
 Thankful that the heat and intense humidity brings at least one good thing
and that's these beautiful curls!
 (I have no idea what Jedi is doing in this picture)
 Thankful for Lemonade stands....on hot days, and a mailman that buys a ton from them!
 Thankful for all these kiddos!!
 Thankful for sweet, yummy, soft toesies!!
Thankful I finally tried baby food and he liked it (kind of) 
 Thankful for my grandma!
She celebrated her 90th birthday this month!!
 My dad, in the middle, and his brother and sisters
He has one brother and one sister who are deceased
Totaling 7 sisters and 2 brothers
 Thankful my littlest brother finally got engaged....he and his fiance, Sarah
have been together for like...a really long time!!!
 Thankful Rosie turned 10 and she  picked this calorie free chocolate mocoa cheesecake for her cake!
 Thankful for this sweet baby.....praying his front thing goes into his mouth....
his top lip is supposed to press it in, slowly, but hopefully within a year so he can have his next surgery....
 Thankful for Simeon's godparents Jeff and Nicki and
the special day he had celebrating
"the Rite of bringing a Baptized child into the Church"
It was the 2nd part of his Baptism, since we baptized him in a
 Thankful I've had time to play games with the kiddos this summer....
 Thankful she missed her eye....when standing on the Sit and Spin,
she spun out of control and hit the dresser.
Then came downstairs and told us to get rid of
the Sit and Spin because it was "too dangerous!"
 Thankful for cute piggy tails
 on cute little girls....
(yes, I buy Reeces Peanut Butter cereal for the kiddos--I know, bad mommy)
 Thankful for cookie making days....
 Go ahead and click on it for a close up
Can you taste them? 
Peanut butter oatmeal (gluten free)
 Thankful for blooming hydrangeas....adorning my counter and table every day!!
 Thankful for bedtime prayers...
Thankful Simeon is now 7 months!!
He's not sitting up yet on his own...but we are working on it!
(he's not the smileyest baby---he makes us really work for those smiles and when that camera is there, he's studying that black thing!)


  1. Wow, little Sim has grown! I have a feeling that all the things he's having to go through now are helping to forge him into a remarkably strong man who will have great compassion and empathy. He's also going to have a trail of girls after him with those baby blues.

    Loved all your pics! And don't fret about the Facebook. You can spend a lot of time or a little time on it. You are the boss of it. I've come to enjoy looking at my friends' pictures and quickly finding out a little of what's going on in their lives when I have time-

    1. Oh, Shelly, I think so too about Sim growing into a strong man. He's a fighter that's for sure, he does not want anyone touching his face and he's still such a fussy baby, he's no mellow calm baby that's for sure and I think that attitude will get him through all he needs to go through and will help him when he's older too!

      I am liking seeing pictures of people's kiddos and families on Facebook too.

  2. So many blessings! You have a sweet family. I love your positive posts. I also have a love/hate relationship with facebook. I love staying in touch with people but hate the way some people are so immature the things they post on facebook. Also, it really can be a total waste of time. I hope that it is a "fad" that dies out, but I'm thinking it is probably here to stay. I much prefer blogging.

    1. jones fam--I have not run into any of that "fad" stuff...but I'm not reading everyone's things every day either. I do know that some people so a lot more than others, I don't even know how to add anything yet. (need time to figure it all out!) I love blogging much better too, wish everyone did!

  3. Aww! Such cute curls, toesies, and babies. :)

    I'm selfishly thankful you're on facebook. I have a love/hate relationship with it, but overall I'm thankful that I can stay in contact with family and friends easier. Especial when it comes to photos. All of my family is out of state and this lets us be in contact with each other almost daily.

    1. Kelly, I am liking Facebook for the same reasons, liking seeing pictures of people and their families! It's a nice way to stay in touch, or get in touch to begin with!

  4. Love your Thankful Thursday posts!
    It's fun to see your photos and all of the lovely things you are thankful for. You are so blessed!

    Like the others said, Facebook is both good and bad. I stay out of all political discussions, religious debates, and other annoying things. I just post a few photos of my kids and enjoying seeing photos of friends and family whom I might have otherwise lost contact with.

    Happy Friday (I'm up past midnight on Thursday with the baby who can't seem to settle tonight!)

    1. OH, my baby wouldn't go to sleep yesterday either....teething!!

      I have not seen anything political yet....but I'm sure the more "friends" I allow, that will happen, right?

  5. Love, love, love all of your "thankfuls". :)

  6. Wonderful! Thanks for posting, Jamie: it brought a big smile to my face!

  7. The very first thing I thought when I saw that first picture was "Wow, look how much his lip thing has gone in!" He's really making awesome progress! Your family is so, so, so beautiful. I'm a bit jealous of all those beautiful munchkins (and the cookies).

    1. Oh, Monica!! I hope so. It's hard to tell when we see him every day...and it's a slooooow process!

      (the cookies were good)
      Your munchkins are beautiful too...enjoy it while you have only gets crazy after the 4th!!

  8. I didn't even see Jedi in that picture until I read what you wrote! Love all those pictures and always love reading your posts. Have a great weekend.

    1. Kathleen, I always love looking into the backgrounds and seeing what's going on in real dirty dishes and flowers in jars....

  9. Awesome, I got my Jamie Jo fix today for sure. Tons of lovely pictures to make me smile and feel my day has been made. Thanks Jamie and I hopefully will see you on Facebook. Have a wonderful weekend and say hi to everyone in your sweet family for me.

    1. Oh, Odie, you always make me smile! I love all the great emails you send. Hugs back to you!

  10. So so much to be thankful for. !! I love your new blog header!! and the way Simeon is reaching out at you when he's eating that baby food. like he's saying, Whoa, I like this. I didn't know there was a second part of the baptism when a child is baptized in an emergency, but how wonderful! it must have been a beautiful event--Love Simeon's baptism dress! the last photo really shows the beauty of Simeon's eyes (beautiful blue like his momma's). oh I just joined facebook too, I think in June. You're right: it's just one more thing to take us away from Our Lord's purposes for us in life. I have been staying away from it (I actually love blogging much better than facebooking). I definitely would have stopped at your children's lemonade stand! it's something ya gotta do! we had one in our neighborhood a couple months ago, and there was a house being built down the street and the construction workers all stopped for the little boys' stand, and tried their lemonade, and one gave him a $10 bill. oh he was so happy. It's a little things that can make a child's day! Happy birthday to your Rosie and to your grandmother -- how truly wonderful that your children know their great grandmother. God bless you.

    1. Thanks Gardenia!! Yes, Simeon likes to grab the spoon, he really doesn't eat more than like 3-4 bites though...I keep telling myself, he's got a tiny tummy...the others ate so much more!

      The 2nd part of the Baptism is done because it's a public thing, bringing a child into the church was beautiful and done throughout the whole Mass. It included the part where the priest blesses him with the beautiful smelling prism oil....

      The mailman gave the kiddos like 4 bucks and filled a big jug he had with him and said if he had more cash he would have given them more...nice guy! The girls were like "he wouldn't take it for free!" Those construction workers, how inspirational!! I'm sure that made their day for sure!! I read a long time ago, somewhere that if you see a child's lemonade stand to always stop. I agree!

      God bless you too!

  11. Gorgeous baby and kids! Leo didn't sit up on his own til 9-10 months! When he had his first steps eval they told me he was a little late and if he didn't sit up by 9 months they'd give him a pt session once a week. One day it just clicked and then he was crawling and he walked at 13 months! Now he climbs on everything ;)

    1. Oh, that makes me feel better....It's so amazing how different all kids are, isn't it? He'll do fine. Leo--wow, he's into that "get into everything" stage, right?

  12. AWWWWW, I just love all the pictures. You are all so lucky to still have your Grandmother. Mine passed in 2001 and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her.

    I am PROUD to say I am NOT ON FACEBOOK!!! We don't believe in what it promotes. Not good for children at all. Don't be afraid to just say NO!!!

    1. Arley--Yes, maybe it's been my conscience saying no....You mean I was not the last person not to join? Well, like I said, it's the only way to see pics of my class reunion...just wait til you are old and have your 25 year.....!

    2. Arley, oh, yeah, I have noticed my 10 year old is right there every time I check and I think she knows more about it than I do, just by watching me@!!!

      Balance, it's all about balance.

      And rules

    3. LOL, mine isn't until 2016, but that's not too far away, gosh I feel old. No, you were not the last one. I have seen the terrible things that happen when people get sucked into Facebook. Keep your little ones far's evil I tell

  13. Don't worry too much about little man, my 6 year old is/was slow in EVERYTHING. He has still only lost one baby tooth, but that's because he grinds his teeth into his head. He has some pretty major developmental issues that are an everyday challenge for us, but God blessed us with a special child because he knew we could handle it! I have to remember that during these awful potty training

    1. Arley--it's grace GRACE that helps us during those hard times!!! we are getting lots of grace I tell you!

  14. agh...I am so busy today but there is so much I want to say because You posted so many cool things.

    I WILL BE BACK to comment more. I love Sims big blue eyes. I love curls on little girls...all the good stuff here. Grandmas who turn 90 etc.... and engagements.

    I gotta go. Miss you.

  15. Christine--come back--I miss you too!

  16. So much to be thankful for, thanks for sharing!!! I loved the photo of your dad and his siblings...precious! As always, you kiddos are adorable!

  17. Hi Jamie Jo, LOVE your new header pic!

    I am very proud to tell you that I am NOT on facebook, and I do not intend to get on. I get invites almost daily. If anything important happens, I find out about it.
    I've got too much other stuff going on to keep me sidetracked as it is... I don't need to find time to check fb too. :-)

    Such great photos...and so very much to be thankful for.

    Blessings to you~

  18. Hi Jamie, you have much to be thankful for! Love all the pictures of your kiddos...especially the intense curiosity of Simeon in the last shot. He just may grow up to be a photographer!! Your header is so sweet too. Gorgeous family!


Thank you so much for saying hi!!

Making a Comeback!

 Wow! So, it's been a few years since I've been on this old blog! I have some updates to work on but thought I'd start today! Ab...