Monday, September 24, 2012

Oklahoma Audition Dance 2012-2013

My 10 year old, daughter is finally old enough to try out for our Homeschool Theatre and has been memorizing this dance!  (I think we all have it memorized now!)  The young man in the video was homeschooled himself and is the director.  He's very talented and we are very blessed to have him!


  1. Fun! I have the fondest memories from auditions and performances in my high school musicals. I never had the opportunity to perform in "Oklahoma", but I did get to be in "Carousel", "The Music Man", and "Hello Dolly". Such good times. Theatre is great! Good luck to your sweet daughter.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Neen! I'm pretty sure the 10 year olds will be dancers, there is a ton of 10 year old girls in our homeschool group!

  3. Man...that looks hard! Best of luck to Rosie and theatre is so good for kids. I still remember some of my lines from Wizard of Oz.

  4. My older daughter has a theater degree, and so I know well what a rewarding, yet difficult commitment this is- she's going to do great!

    1. I loved theater in high school...what a fun path for your daughter to go down!

  5. He's pretty cute! He's got all my kids doing the dance and we don't even live in your state! Good luck to your son! I was a total theater geek in HS.

    1. That's great Arley!! My SON would not be caught dead doing anything like this, it's my daughter that's planning on trying out!

  6. I am impressed with anyone that can dance since I never have been able to or at least really tried. Tell her good luck for me.

  7. That was great and such a complicated dance. I've always loved Oklahoma! Best wishes for him!

  8. It's my daughter that's trying out, not my son, but best wishes for the director...he's great, that's for sure! The girls make this dance look so easy when they are doing it, they picked it up pretty fast!

  9. You should video tape the girls doing it!!!

  10. he's a natural! can't wait to see the video of your daughter doing this!! good luck to her.

  11. How fun!! I hope she makes it!!

  12. Good luck to your daughter! Theatre and dance... definitely not even remotely my thing. But I enjoying watching!

    Thanks for the prayers, Jaime Jo. I appreciate them!


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