Sunday, October 14, 2012

Excellent Movie!

I watched this last night!
Great movie!
Hard to believe this
 happened less than 100 years ago
This movie was really well done 
is one of those movies where you are changed 
forever after seeing it.
(and Eduardo is in it)


  1. yes, we loved it. I thought the actor who portrayed the boy was wonderful as well.

    1. Gardenia--wasn't he? I liked the actor who played the priest. I really liked the part where he refused the General Communion.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes! It is a long movie though, over 2 hours, so I split it up....watched the last half in the middle of the night while pumping!

  3. I hadn't heard of this movie, but will be keeping an eye out for it now! Thanks for the review! Enjoy the week ahead.

    1. Thanks Jones! It got great reviews and yet, our video store only had 2 copies....go figure that one out...,.

  4. Oh my sweet, delicious Eduardo. We have this movie to watch and haven't had the time to do it yet!!

    1. Colleen--I started it with my husband and got too tired (it's a long movie) and finished it while pumping in the night....

  5. Replies
    1. I didn't know Eduardo was in it, and when he "appeared" I was like, "Hey, that's Eduardo!" My husband was like, "huh? Who?"

      You know the guy from Bella...the model conversion guy who changed his life?

  6. Oh, how I loved this movie! It is definately a "bring your kleenex movie!" We were supposed to watch it again yesterday at our church community center but we missed it.

  7. We JUST watched this Friday night! It was during the time my great grandfather was having to hide out because of his political beliefs and my grandfather was young. He remembered escaping to the coast on a flatbed car on the train and seeing bodies hanging from telegraph poles. It was a brutal time in Mexico-

    1. Oh, my gosh Shelly--I just got chills reading what you wrote. I watched the "extras" on the DVD too, which showed the real photos and was more like a documentary--really interesting. I was just so amazed at all the people in Mexico had to endure and how strong they were, how they kept sacred what needed to be through it all. I couldn't help but wonder if something like that happened in the U.S. would we be as strong?

  8. I'll have to see if it's on Netflix, sounds interesting!

  9. I have been cying to see this. They are going to be playing it at one of our local churches this weekend, but I don't think we can bring the kids. I will have to rent it I suppose.


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